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August 31, 2015


The detailed program of the AAC 2015 Convention is now available.

AAC 2015 Detailed Program.

July 01, 2015

Second Call for Papers

Extended deadline for submission: July 15, 2015

First Call for Papers

AAC 2015 Convention
Cluj, Transylvania, Romania

The convention aims to provide an opportunity for accounting scholars from Central and Eastern Europe to present and share their research with other scholars and accounting policy makers throughout the region. The convention comprises a main conference with parallel sessions that include paper presentations, panel discussions on international accounting issues, and keynote presentations. The convention also includes two important developmental activities, including a doctoral course in advance of the main conference, and a doctoral colloquium, at which selected students will have an opportunity to present their work. The hosted events will be organized in order to enhance discussions on particular topics of interest for the participants. Further details concerning the events being comprised within the convention are to be announced. Special attention will also be given to offering doctoral students and young researchers feedback on their work.

The convention's plenary sessions will include presentations being delivered by our distinguished
keynote speakers:

Professor Ken Peasnell
Lancaster University, United Kingdom

Tricia O'Malley
International Forum of Accounting Standard Setters
Former Chair of the Canadian Accounting Standards Board (AcSB)

Scientific committee members include Professor Wayne Landsman, Professor Mary E. Barth, Professor John Christensen, Professor Ken Peasnell, Professor Peter Fiechter, Professor Begona Giner, Professor Axel Haller, Professor Ion Ionascu, Professor Pekdemir Recep, Professor Aileen Pierce, Professor Alfred Wagenhofer, Professor Nadia Albu, Professor Sönke Sievers, Professor Steve Stubben and Professor Tricia O'Malley.

The Convention Features

The AAC 2015 Convention is hosted by the Accounting and Audit Department within the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania. The convention comprises a number of three main events as follows:

  • Main Conference (7th AAC Conference, September 8-9, 2015),
  • Doctoral Course Analytical and Empirical Accounting Research (an introductory course hosted by professors John Christensen and, Wayne Landsman September 6 - 7, 2015), and
  • Doctoral Colloquium (4rd TIARD Doctoral Colloquium, September 9, 2015). Participation in the Doctoral Colloquium is limited to students who are selected for the Doctoral Course.
More details related to the Convention's events are available on AAC 2015 Convention's website.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at carmen.bonaci@gmail.com or carmen.bonaci@econ.ubbcluj.ro in case you need further details. We also kindly invite you to visit our convention's website at www.econ.ubbcluj.ro/aac2015.

Download First Call for Papers with detailed information.

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