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Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Str. Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60 400591, Cluj Napoca, Romania Tel: +40.264 41 86 52/3/4/5
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Deadline extended to 1st of December 2013

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration has the honor to organize the 10th International Conference of ASECU in 2014.

The International Conferences of ASECU represent a valuable opportunity to promote cooperation between Economic Universities from a variety of countries and to exchange points of view about areas of mutual interest.

This event will be organized to offer a proper environment for dialog, and for enhancing the formation of new research teams and partnerships.

The conference objectives are:

  • Analyzing alternative economic policies meant to stimulate post-crisis prosperity;
  • Assessing the existing institutional reforms in South and Eastern Europe and proposing ways for improvement;
  • Debating the alternative models of economic growth and development particular to emerging economies;
  • Determining the main challenges for the financial sector and searching for ways to overcome them;
  • Establishing mechanisms to support small and medium sized entities and to enhance their roles within the economy;
  • Analyzing the role of financial reporting practices and standards in the post-crisis recovery process;
  • Assessing the particularities of the post-crisis business environment in South and Eastern Europe;
  • Searching for new business opportunities while aiming for sustainable development.
The conference topics are:
  • Economic policies meant to stimulate post-crisis prosperity;
  • Institutional reforms in South and Eastern Europe;
  • Particularities of the post-crisis business environment;
  • Means of promoting sustainable development.
The conference official language is English.

Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings only after their presentation in the Conference.

The Editorial Board of South Eastern Europe Journal of Economics (SEEJE), the official journal of ASECU, after having the agreement of the authors, plans to publish selected conference papers following a blind refereeing process.

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