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Gabriela Bodea,, Clash-ul crizelor sau viclenia lumii asimetrice (Ediția a doua), Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023
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Lect.univ.dr. Ioana Sorina Andreica (Mihut)
Strada Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60
Campus FSEGA
400591, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel: +40 264 418 652/3/4/5
Fax: +40 264 412 570
Int: 5834
Birou: 521
E-mail: ioana.andreica

Activitate profesionala Activitate didactica Activitate de cercetare
Domenii de interes: Uniunea Europeană; Creștere economică; Convergența la nivelul statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene; Guvernanța economică;

I. Articole publicate

A. Articole indexate ISI

1. ANDREICA (MIHUȚ), I.S, Kanto Pop L.N., Tulai D.L., Mican, D. (2023) Has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the intentions of individuals for a business venture? An integrated structural model approach, Eastern European Economics, Taylor& Francis,
2. Mican, D., Sitar-Tăut D., S., MIHUȚ, I.S. (2020) User Behavior on Online Social Networks: Relationships among Social Activities and Satisfaction, Symmetry, 12, 1656, pag. 10-16.

B. Articole indexate BDI

1. ANDREICA (MIHUȚ), I.S, Kanto L.N., Gorgan A. (2023) Russian invasion in Ukraine: challenges and implications for food security, The Annals of the University of Oradea Economic Sciences TOM XXXII, 1st Issue, ISSN 1582 – 5450, pag.430-443,
2. ANDREICA (MIHUȚ), I.S, Deceanu, L. (2023) Country risk and political instability: a VUCA world approach, The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences TOM XXXII, 1st Issue, ISSN 1582 – 5450, pag.444-458,
3. Mican, D., S., ANDREICA (MIHUȚ), I.S., Sitar-Tăut D., Sterie L.G. (2022) Overview on Social Media User Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Fear of Missing Out and Social Networking Fatigue to Privacy Concerns, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica, Vol.57, Nr.2, pag. 21-32, 2022-0007.
4. MIHUȚ, I.S., Kanto (Pop) L. N. (2021) The entrepreneurial behavior in Romania: a general assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, , Interdisciplinary Management Research, Vol. XVII, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Ossjek, VOL.XI, ISSN: 1847-0408, ISBN 978‐953‐253‐105‐3,
5. Mican, D., S., ANDREICA (MIHUȚ), I.S., Sitar-Tăut D., Sterie L.G. (2022) Overview on Social Media User Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Fear of Missing Out and Social Networking Fatigue to Privacy Concerns, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica, Vol.57, Nr.2, pag. 21-32, 2022-0007.
6. MIHUȚ, I.S., Luțaș, M., Câlea, S.A Sorin-Augustin Câlea (2020) Narrowing the gap in the European Union: From utopia to pragmatism, Review of Economic Studies and Research Virgil Madgearu, Vol. VIII, Nr.1, Editura Alma Mater, Cluj-Napoca, str. Rahovei, Vol 13, No.1, ISSN: 2069-0606,,%202020,%2013(1),%20final,%20site,%205.%20Mihut,%20Lutas,%20Calea.pdf.
7. MIHUȚ, I.S. (2018) New implications of the economic governance process across the European Union member states, The annals of University of Oradea - economic science, vol.1/2018, ISSN 1582-5450,
8. MIHUȚ, I.S. (2018) The new economic governance framework of the European Union, CES Working Papers, Vol. X, nr. 2, ISSN 2067-7693,
9. MIHUȚ, I.S., & KANTO-POP L.N. (2018) Convergence vs. divergence: the path of the European Union Managerial challenges of the contemporary society, VOL.11, NR.2, ISSN 2069-4229,
10. Bodea G., & MIHUȚ, I.S. (2018) Our “Everyday Economy”. Scientific Accreditation Through Economic and Historical Arguments, Review of Economic Studies and Research Virgil Madgearu, Vol. VIII, Nr.1, Editura Alma Mater, Cluj-Napoca, str. Rahovei, Vol 11, Nr.2, ISSN: 2069-0606,,%202018,%2011(2),%20Bodea,%20Mihu%C8%9B.pdf.
11. KANTO-POP L.N.& MIHUȚ, I.S. (2017) An empirical inquiry into the problem of agricultural price volatility the case of European Union compared to the global market , International Journal of Economics and Accounting, Inderscience Publishers, Vol.7, No.4,, pag.256-290.
12. Bodea G., & MIHUȚ, I.S. (2017) The Romanian bank credit system during the interwar period. The economic perspective of Mitiță Constantinescu, Review of Economic Studies and Research Virgil Madgearu, 10(1), doi: 10.24193/RVM.2017.10.01, pag.5-17.
13. MIHUȚ, I.S. (2016) Investigating economic convergence into a divergent world: the case of the European Union International Journal of Economics and Business Research, Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 12, No.2,, pag.136-153.
14. MIHUȚ, I.S., & KANTO-POP L.N. (2016) Evaluating the economic governance in terms of convergence: the case of the European Union, International Journal of Economics and Accounting, Inderscience Publishers, Vol.7, No.2,, pag.156-173.
15. MIHUȚ, I.S, LUȚAȘ, M., (2016) The dynamic of the economic governance architecture in the context of the European Union, Interdisciplinary Management Research, Vol. XII, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Ossjek, VOL.XI, ISSN: 1847-0408, ISBN 978‐953‐253‐105‐3;, pag.497-507.
16. MIHUȚ, I.S (2015) Economic governance as a triggering factor for economic convergence across the European Union member states, Interdisciplinary Management Research, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Ossjek, VOL.XI, ISSN: 1847-0408, ISBN 978‐953‐253‐105,, pag.880-890.
17. MIHUȚ, I.S (2015) The economic governance: concept, instruments of measurement and evolutions across European Union member states, The Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Sciences, Nr.1 / iulie 2015, TOM XXIV, ISSN: 1582-5450,;, pag. 237-246.
18. MIHUȚ, I.S., Pop, L.N., & Pece, A. (2015) Triggering factors for economic convergence and stability across central and eastern European countries, Theoretical and Applied Economis, Suplimnet ECTAP, International Finance and Banking Conference, FIBA 2015, XIIIth Edition, Asociația Generală a Economiștilor din România, ISSN:1844-0029,;, pag. 253-268.
19. Trenca, I., Pece, A., MIHUȚ, I.S (2015) Herd behaviour of institutional and individual investors in the context of economic governance: evidence from romanian stock market, Review of Economic Studies and Research Virgil Madgearu, Vol. VIII, Nr.1, Editura Alma Mater, Cluj-Napoca, str. Rahovei, nr.2, ISSN: 2069-0606,;, pag. 177-190.
20. Rovinaru, F., MIHUȚ, I.S., & Pârvu, M., (2015) The role of the economic governance in the context of the national oil industry. case study: Romania – the beginnings (19th and 20th century), Revista Economică, vol.67, nr. 4, Editura Continent, pp. 131-151, ISSN: 1682-6260,;
21. MIHUȚ, I.S., Câlea, S. (2015) The relation between external debt and economic growth across European Union member states. Does economic governance matters?, Revista Economică, vol.67, nr. 4, Editura Continent, ISSN: 1682-6260,,, pag.78-97.
22. MIHUȚ, I.S., (2015) Challenges of the recent financial crisis upon the european union economic governance, Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, Editura ”Academica Brâncuși”, Nr.3, ISSN: 1844 – 7007,;, pag.218-223.
23. MIHUȚ, I.S., (2014) Is EMU a triggering factor for convergence or not Empirical evidence using Phillips and Sul methodology, ECTAP,, pag.273-285.
24. MIHUȚ, I.S., Luțaș, M. (2014) The assessment of the impact of the recent financial crisis upon the nominal convergence indicators across new EU member states, Revista Economică, Vol.66, Nr. 2, pag. 58-74.
25. MIHUȚ, I.S., Luțaș, M. (2014) Sustainable growth: recent trends across Central and Eastern European economies, Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science ,, pag. 175-186.
26. Pece, A., MIHUȚ, I.S., & Oros, O. (2014) The impact of the financial crisis on long memory: Evidence from European banking indices, Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science,, pag. 781-788.
27. Rovinaru, F., MIHUȚ, I.S. (2014) The analysis of the Romanian industry during interwar period from a liberal economic perspective, Review of Economic Studies and Research Virgil Madgearu, Vol VII, Nr. 1, Editura Alma Mater, Cluj-Napoca, str. Rahovei,nr.2, ISSN: 2069-0606,, pag.69-80.
28. Câlea, S., MIHUȚ, I.S., Ioana-Sorina MIHUȚ, (2014) The sustainability of Romanian’s external debt during the recent financial crisis, Centre for European Studies Working papers series,, pag. 46-56.
29. MIHUȚ, I.S., (2013) The connection between real and nominal convergence criteria: an empirical approach towards the case of new member states Review of Economic Studies and Research Virgil Madgearu, Vol. VI, Nr.1, Editura Alma Mater, Cluj-Napoca, str. Rahovei,nr.2, ISSN: 2069-0606;, pag.89-104.
30. MIHUȚ, I.S., Luțaș, M. (2013) Testing Sigma convergence across new EU members, Revista Economică, vol. 65, nr 4. pag.121-131.
31. MIHUȚ, I.S., Luțaș, M. (2013) Testing convergence and divergence among EU member states, Interdisciplinary management research, Vol. IX, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Ossjek, ISBN 978-953-253-117-6, ISSN 1847-0408, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, Croatia,, pag. 459-468.
32. MIHUȚ, I.S., Luțaș, M., Pece, A. (2013) Testing the random walk hypothesis and the long memory for the romanian capital market, suplimentul revistei Theorethical and Applied Economics, Vol.IX, Asociația Generală a Economiștilor din România, București,
33. MIHUȚ, I.S., Luțaș, M. (2013) Convergence and divergence in European Union:Evidence for Beta convergence among the new EU member states, Volumul Conferinţei Internaţionale European Integration - New Challenges, Oradea, The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences, Nr.1/iulie 2013,;, pag.262-271.
34. Bodea G., & MIHUȚ, I.S. (2013) About feed-back: change in the context of financial crisis management, Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society, Vol.5, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-napoca, ISSN 2069-4229, pag. 31-38.
35. MIHUȚ, I.S., Luțaș, M. (2012) Economic Growth. Challenges, opportunities and main determinants în vol. Interdisciplinary Management Research, Vol. VIII, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Ossjek, ISSN 1847-0408, ISBN 978‐953‐253‐105‐3;, pag.467-477.
36. MIHUȚ, I.S., (2011) The impact of inflation rate upon interest rate in Romania, Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series, Ovidius University Press, Constanta, Vol. XI, nr.1, Econ Papers ,,, pag.1346-1350.
37. MIHUȚ, I.S., Luțaș, M. (2011) Factors that trigger inflation in Romania, Revista Economică, Editura Continent, Sibiu, Vol. II, nr.55, ISSN 1582-6260,;, pag.459-265.
38. Deceanu L., MIHUȚ, I.S., Stanca, P. (2011) The Sovereign debt challenge: an overview, Volumul Conferinţei Internaţionale European Integration - New Challenges, Editura Universităţii, ISSN: 1844-5519;;

II. Cărți

1. Ioana-Sorina MIHUȚ, (2016), ”Guvernanța economică - instrument de promovare a convergenței la nivelul Uniunii Europene”, Editura ASE București, ISBN: 978-606-505-936-8, carte cofinanțată prin intermediul Fondul Social European, prin Programul Operațional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013, proiect numărul POSDRU/159/1.5/S/134197 „Performanată şi excelentă în cercetarea doctorala si postdoctorală în domeniul ştiintelor economice din România.
2. Rudolf Graf, Ioan Lumperdean , Ioana-Sorina MIHUȚ Marius Mihut, Mihaela Rovinaru (2015), ”Istoria Economie - prelegeri, teme,texte și biblografie”, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, ISBN 978-973-595-882-4.
3. Ioana-Sorina MIHUȚ, (2015), ”Guvernanța economică ca factor declanșator pentru coeziunea socială, armonizarea politică și performanța economică în Uniunea Europeană” (economic governance as a triggering factor for social cohesion, political harmonization and economic performance across European Union), volumul ”Economie și Istorie. Dialog și interdisciplinaritate”, coordonatori, Dana Bako, Iosif Marian Balog, Rudolf Gräf, Răzvan V. Mustaţă. - Cluj-Napoca: Editura Academia Românã. Centrul de Studii Transilvane, pg. 91-100, 2015, ISBN 978-606-8694-10-8.
4. Ioana-Sorina MIHUȚ, (2014), ”Spre convergență economică într-o lume a divergențelor”, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, ISBN 978-973-595-776-6.
5. Ioana-Sorina MIHUȚ, Mihaela Lutaș, Andreea Pece, (2011), ”Efficient market hypothesis: Testing random walk for Romanian capital market”, Volumul Cercetare Doctorală în Economie, Prezent și Perspective, Editura Economică, Vol.II, ISBN 978-973-709-556-5, pp. 142 – 153.

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