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Gabriela Bodea,, Clash-ul crizelor sau viclenia lumii asimetrice (Ediția a doua), Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023
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Cercetator stiintific III Otto Csiki
Strada Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60
Campus FSEGA
400591, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel: +40 264 418 652/3/4/5
Fax: +40 264 412 570
E-mail: otto.csiki

Activitate profesionala Activitate didactica Activitate de cercetare

1.1. Web of Science - ISI
Csíki, O., Horváth, R., & Szász, L. (2019). A Study of Regional-Level Location Factors of Car Manufacturing Companies in the EU. Acta Oeconomica, 69(S2), 13-39.
Szász, L., Csíki, O., & Rácz, B. G. (2021). Sustainability management in the global automotive industry: A theoretical model and survey study. International Journal of Production Economics, 108085.
Csiki, O., Demeter, K., & Losonci, D. (2023). How to improve firm performance?–The role of production capabilities and routines. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, (ahead-of-print).
Szász, L., Demeter, K., Csíki, O., & Horváth, R. (2023). Technology, lean, quality and human resource practices in manufacturing: how does size as a contingency factor matter?. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, (ahead-of-print).
Szász, L., Bálint, C., Csíki, O., Nagy, B. Z., Rácz, B. G., Csala, D., & Harris, L. C. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on the evolution of online retail: The pandemic as a window of opportunity. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 69, 103089.

1.2. BDI
Csiki, O. & Szász, L. (2018). Az autókereskedők telephelyválasztását befolyásoló tényezők Romániában (Factors influencing the location choice of car dealers in Romania). Forum on Economics and Business (ISSN 1582-1986), 21(134), 30-57.

1.3. Book chapters
Szász, L. & Csíki, O. (2020). Ipar és szolgáltató szektor (The industry and the service sector in Transylvania). Erdély – Tér, Gazdaság és Társadalom (Transylvania – Space, Economy and Society) (ISBN 978-606-37-0725-4). Cluj-Napoca: Kolozsvári Egyetemi Kiadó. (pp. 326-366.)
Rácz, B., & Csíki, O. (2020). Innováció és vállalati versenyképesség Erdélyben (Innovation and competitiveness among the Transylvanian companies). Erdély – Tér, Gazdaság és Társadalom (Transylvania – Space, Economy and Society) (ISBN 978-606-37-0725-4). Cluj-Napoca: Kolozsvári Egyetemi Kiadó. (pp. 269-289.)

1.4. Other publications
Csiki, O. (2019). Az autókereskedők elhelyezkedését és tevékenységét befolyásoló tényezők Romániában (Influencing factors of the location choice of car dealers in Romania). Litera Oeconomiae II (ISBN 978-963-429-475-7), Vol. 2, 57-72.
Csiki, O. (2019). Vevőérték-számítási módszer alkalmazása a hűségesítési döntések megalapozására (Creating a customer-valuation model for supporting decisions related to customer loyalty improvement). Litera Oeconomiae II (ISBN 978-963-429-475-7), Vol. 2, 73-92.
Csiki, O. (2019). A minőségi hibák miatt szervezett visszahívások hatása az autóeladásokra: a General Motors esete (Relation between automotive sales and recalls in case of quality mistake: the case of General Motors). Annales I. – Az ELTE Márton Áron Szakkollégiumának évkönyve 2017-2018. (ISSN 2676-8518), 1 (1), 85-106.
Csiki, O. (2018). Az elektromos autók számának előrejelzése globális szinten (A forecasting study of the number of electric cars on a global level). Móra Academy – Volume of studies (ISSN 2064-809X), Vol. 3, 389-411.
Csiki, O. (2017). A minőségi hibák miatt szervezett visszahívások hatása az autóeladásra (Relation between automotive sales and recalls in case of quality mistake). Litera Oeconomiae I (ISBN 978-615-5837-13-5), Vol. 1., 11-35.
Csiki, O. & Szász, L. (2017). A minőségi hibák miatt szervezett visszahívások hatása az autóeladásokra: a Toyota és a Lexus esete (Relation between automotive sales and recalls in case of quality mistake: the case of Toyota and Lexus). Logisztikai trendek és legjobb gyakorlatok, 3(2), 48-54.


2.1. International conferences
2022 - Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) International Conference in Budapest Resilient Networks
2022 - European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Summer School
2022 - 6th World Conference on Production and Operations Management – P&OM
2022 - Twenty-second International Working Seminar on Production Economics
2022 - 7th ISBEE World Congress
2021 - CESEENet: Central, East and South-East European PhD Network - Online PhD Workshop 2020 in Economics, Management and Finance
2020 – Twenty-first International Working Seminar on Production Economics (Austria, Innsbruck)
2020 – 1st International Conference on the Automotive Industry (Hungarian Academy of Sciences - MTA) (Budapest, Hungary)
2019 – 4th ICEBM (International Conference on Economics and Business Management) (Romania, Cluj-Napoca)

2.2. Countrywide conferences
2019 – XXXIV. National Student’s Scientific Conference – Finance (Hungary, Pécs) (2. prize)
2019 – XXXIV. National Student’s Scientific Conference – Industrial Economics (Hungary, Pécs) (2. prize)
2018 – II. Móra International Interdisciplinary Conference (Hungary, Szeged)
2018 – XXIII. Bolyai Conference, by the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) (Hungary, Budapest)
2017 – XXXIII. National Student’s Scientific Conference – Industrial Economics (Hungary, Győr) (2. prize)
2017 – I. Móra International Interdisciplinary Conference (Hungary, Szeged)

2.3. Regional conferences
2019 – XXII. Transylvanian Student’s Scientific Conference – Finance (Romania, Cluj-Napoca) (1. prize)
2019 – Interdisciplinary Talent Forum of the Babeș–Bolyai University (Romania, Cluj-Napoca) (2. prize)
2018 – XXI. Transylvanian Student’s Scientific Conference – Finance (Romania, Cluj-Napoca) (1. prize)
2018 – XXI. Transylvanian Student’s Scientific Conference – Management (Romania, Cluj-Napoca) (1. prize)
2018 - Interdisciplinary Talent Forum of the Babeș–Bolyai University (Romania, Cluj-Napoca) (2. prize)
2017 – XX. Transylvanian Student’s Scientific Conference – Management (Romania, Cluj-Napoca) (1. prize)
2017 – Interdisciplinary Talent Forum of the Babeș–Bolyai University (Romania, Cluj-Napoca)
2016 – XIX. Transylvanian Student’s Scientific Conference – Management (Romania, Cluj-Napoca) (special prize)


2022 - present: EurOMA - European Operations Management Association
2022 - present: Pro Scientia Aranyérmesek Társasága (PSAT) / Society of Pro Scientia Medalists (SPSM)
2015 – 2018: GTK (Business Consulting Club) (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
2016 – 2019: Mikó Imre Law and Economics College (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
2017 – present: ELTE “Márton Áron” College (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary)
2018 – 2019: BBU College (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
2018 – 2019: Colegiul Studenţesc de Performaţă Academică (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)

2022 – Young Researcher Award (Regional Committee of the MTA (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) in Cluj - KAB)
2022 – The best article published in an economic journal in the year 2021 (Asociația Facultăților de Economie din România - AFER)
2021 – Pro Scientia Gold Medal (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
2020 – Talents who were 20 years old in 2020 – Science category (YZ Institute)

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