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Gabriela Bodea,, Clash-ul crizelor sau viclenia lumii asimetrice (Ediția a doua), Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023
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Lect.univ.dr. Dan - Mihai Rohozneanu
Strada Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60
Campus FSEGA
400591, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel: +40 264 418 652/3/4/5
Fax: +40 264 412 570

Activitate profesionala Activitate didactica Activitate de cercetare
lucrărilor ştiinţifice în domeniul disciplinelor din postul didactic

A. Teza de doctorat

T1. Mihai ROHOZNEANU; Strategii privind optimizarea capacității de forță la handbalișitii juniori.

B. Cărţi si capitole în cărţi publicate în ultimii 10 ani

1. Mihai Rohozneanu – Concepte teoretice care fundamentează pregătirea sportivă la handbaliștii juniori, Editura Didactică și Pedagogică București, ISBN 978-606-31-0155-7, 2015
2. Mihai Rohozneanu - Strategii privind optimizarea capacității de forță la handbalișitii juniori, Editura Didactică și Pedagogică București,
ISBN 978-606-31-0156-4, 2015

C. Lucrări indexate ISI/BDI publicate în ultimii 10 anii

1. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, “The necessity of muscular training in playing handball”, 4rd Annual International Conference: PHYSYCAL EDUCATION, SPORT AND HEALTH, PITESTI, ROMANIA, ISSN: 1453-1194, Vol.15, Part III, pp. 927-928.
2. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, “A study concerning somatic model for male handball players” The Annals of the “Stefan cel Mare” University, Physical Education and Sport section, The Science and Art of Movement, No:1(8), Suceava 2012, ISSN 1844 – 9131,
3. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, “The Concept of motrical quality in physical education and sport”, 5rd Annual International Conference: PHYSYCAL EDUCATION, SPORT AND HEALTH, 22th - 23th of November 2012, PITESTI, ROMANIA, ISSN: 1453-1194, Vol. 16, part I , pp. 208 - 211.
4. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, “Characteristics of effort in modern handball for junior players”, 5rd Annual International Conference: PHYSYCAL EDUCATION, SPORT AND HEALTH, 22th - 23th of November 2012, PITESTI, ROMANIA, ISSN: 1453-1194, Vol. 16, part I, pp. 212 - 216.
5. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, Nicolae Mihailescu, “The strength capacity development in junior handball - Theoretical and methodological aspects”, International scientific conference: PERSPECTIVES IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT, XII –th edition, 24 th – 25 th of May 2013, Constanta, Romania, ISBN print: 978-973-614-771-5, part. I, pp. 371-377.
6. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, Nicolae Mihailescu, “Preliminary study on the strenght capacity of the junior handball”, International scientific conference: PERSPECTIVES IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT, XII –th edition, 24 th – 25 th of May 2013, Constanta, Romania, ISBN print: 978-973-614-771-5, part. I, pp. 364-371.
7. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, Nicolae Mihailescu, “Survey concerning streght parameters identified on junior handball players and the importance in the practice of the handball game at the performance level”, The Annals of the “Stefan cel Mare” University, Physical Education and Sport section, The Science and Art of Movement, No: 1(10), Suceava 2013, ISSN – 1844 – 9131,
8. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, Nicolae Mihailescu, “Strategies for optimizing strength capacity for junior handball players”, 6rd Annual International Conference: PHYSYCAL EDUCATION, SPORT AND HEALTH, PITESTI, ROMANIA, ISSN: 1453-1194, Vol.17 (2/2013) pp. 298-303.
9. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, “Study regarding the use of handball means for achieving physical education and sport obiectives” The Annals of the “Eftimie Murgu” University Resita, Humanites and Social Sciences Fascicola, ISSN 2286-0711, Anul I, Nr: 1/2013, pp. 114-121.
10. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, “Handball spreading area in Caras Severin county by age and gender”, The Annals of the “Eftimie Murgu” University Resita, Humanites and Social Sciences Fascicola, ISSN 2286-0711, Anul I, Nr: 2/2013
11. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, “Using specialized software for monitoring sport training program of junior handball players”, eLearning & Software for Education. 2014, Issue 4, p189-195. 2066 - 026X print 2066 - 8821 WOS 000357200600030
12. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, “The benefits of practicing beach handball for the indoors handball” The Annals of the “Eftimie Murgu” University Resita, Humanites and Social Sciences Fascicola, ISSN 2286-0711, Nr: 2/2018
13. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, Aspecte ale comunicării în sport, Journal of Romanian Literary Studies, ISSN: 2248-3004, No. 19/2019
14. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, Despre comunicarea dintre antrenor și sportivii săi, Multiculturalism through the lenses of literary discourse Section: Communication, Journalism, Education Sciences, Psychology and Sociology, Tîrgu Mureş, 2019, ISBN: 978-606-8624-09-9
15. Dan Mihai Rohozneanu, Technical and tactical elements in beach handball, The Annals of the “Eftimie Murgu” University Resita, Humanites and Social Sciences Fascicola, ISSN 2286-0711, Nr. 1/2019
An publicare 2020
Editura Arhipelag XXI Press
Editor: Iulian Boldea
ISBN: 978-606-8624-10-5
17. Dan-Mihai Rohozneanu, Methodological aspects regarding the teaching-learning of the game of handball in primary education,
Volum: PATHS OF COMMUNICATION IN POSTMODERNITY Section: Communication, Journalism, Education Sciences, Psychology and Sociology
Conferință: International Conference Communication, Context, Interdisciplinarity
An publicare 2020
Editura Arhipelag XXI Press Târgu Mureș
Editor: Iulian Boldea
ISBN: 978-606-8624-00-6

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