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Gabriela Bodea,, Clash-ul crizelor sau viclenia lumii asimetrice (Ediția a doua), Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023
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Conf.univ.dr. Adrian ZOICAS-IENCIU
Strada Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60
Campus FSEGA
400591, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel: +40 264 418 652/3/4/5
Fax: +40 264 412 570
Birou: 309
E-mail: adrian.zoicas

Activitate profesionala Activitate didactica Activitate de cercetare
Data nasterii: 18-03-1982
Nationalitate: Romanian
Experienta Profesionala: 2014-present
Associate professor, Finance Department
Teaching: Financial Management, Banking, Fundamental and technical analysis

Lecturer, Finance Department, UBB

Lecturer for an international English line class
Teaching: Principles of Finance
Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou, PRC

Romanian-Director of the “Confucius Institute” in Cluj-Napoca
Organizing activities for promoting the Chinese language, culture and civilization in Romania:

Teaching assistant, Finance Department
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, (FSEGA)

Financial analyst, head of “Research – Corporate operations”
Management of the securities portfolio, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, investment recommendation, private equity operations
Educatie Formare: 2005-2008
PhD program in finance
Thesis title: “The Investment Behavior on the Romanian Stock Market”
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Master degree, „Banks and capital markets”
Banking, Fundamental and technical analysis of stocks, Empirical finance
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Bachelor degree, Undergraduate program „Banks and stock markets”
Economics, bank operations, financial markets, accounting, management
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

High school diploma, „Mathematics-Physics”
Science, general knowledge
Limba materna: Romana
Limbi Straine: English: proficient (comprehension, writing), independent (speaking, oral discourse);
French: proficient (comprehension), independent (speaking, oral discourse, writing);
Aptitudini sociale: Team work: I have worked in various types of teams (brokerage company, board of directors, Confucius institute, faculty, different research projects/grants) being aware of the potential synergies that can arise from working together.
Intercultural skills: I am experienced at working in multicultural environments especially my 3-year experience within the Confucius Institute composed mostly of Chinese people.
Aptitudini organizatorice: The organizing skills were consolidated through a series of didactic activities within the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration in the last six years: recitations, conferences, students’ excellence group, faculty admission process, schedule optimization, ministry audit visits etc. Member in the management team of several research projects and grants, organizing internship and practice for students.
Aptitudini calculator: Office, mathematical and statistical softs, basic programming (C)
Aptitudini artistice: -
Alte competente: December 2011 – Romanian Academy’s “Virgil Madgearu” award for the best book in the economic field in 2009 (“The investment behavior on the Romanian stock market”)

February 2010 – National Association of Economic Faculties: Prize for professional debut.

March 2002, 2003, 2004 – Qualified in the national “Mot d’Or” contest organized by the French Embassy in Bucharest: mention (2002), 2nd national prize (2003) and best national business plan (2004)
Permis Conducere: -
Informatii suplimentare: Selected papers:

[1] Todea, A. and A. Zoicaş-Ienciu, 2008, „Episodic Dependencies in Central and Eastern Europe Stock Markets”, Applied Economics Letters, volume 15, Oct-Dec, ISSN 1350-4851.
[2] Todea, A., Zoicaş-Ienciu A., Filip A., 2009, „Profitability of the Moving Average Strategy and the Episodic Dependencies: Empirical Evidence from European Stock Markets”, European Research Studies, volume XII, Issue 1, p. 63-72.
[3] Todea, A. and A. Zoicaş-Ienciu, 2011, “Technical Analysis and Stochastic Properties of Exchange Rate Movements: Empirical Evidence from the Romanian Currency Market", Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, vol.14, issue 1, pag.175-192.
[4] Zoicas-Ienciu, A., 2019, "Trading Timing and the Returns to Trend-Following", Applied Economics Letters, vol. 26 (4), p. 311-315.
[5] Zoicas-Ienciu, A., 2021, "Evaluating active investing with generic trading reactions", International Journal of Finance and Economics, 26 (1), p. 1018-1036.

Selected Book(s):

[1] Zoicaş-Ienciu, A., 2009. The Investment Behavior on the Romanian Stock Market. (English translation), Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca.
[2] Zoicas-Ienciu, A., 2014. Management Financiar. Teorie, exemple, aplicatii, PUC, Cluj-Napoca.
[3] Zoicas-Ienciu, A., 2020. Elemente de banking. Vol. 1 Anatomie bancara, PUC, Cluj-Napoca

Ultima actualizare: 2024-02-27  

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