Fara Poza

Prof.univ.dr. Marieta Olaru
Strada Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60
Campus FSEGA
400591, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel: +40 264 418 652/3/4/5
Fax: +40 264 412 570
E-mail: marieta.olaru

Data nasterii: 27-08-1951
Nationalitate: Romanian
Experienta Profesionala: 1998-present
Professor, PhD, Department of Business, Consumer Sciences and Quality Management, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, http://www.ase.ro/, Romania
Courses on Quality Management, License level (in Romanian) – Faculty of Business and Tourism, http://www.comert.ase.ro/
Courses on Quality Management (in German and French), License level – Faculty of Business Administration (in foreign languages), http://www.fabiz.ase.ro/
Courses on Quality Management, Master of Quality Management – Faculty of Business and Tourism, and Master of Business Administration – Faculty of Business Administration (in foreign languages)
Courses on Integrated Management Systems Quality –Environment -Security, Master of Quality Management – Faculty of Business and Tourism
Courses on Quality Management and Business Excellence, Doctoral School in Business Administration, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Scientific coordinator for Master and License thesis
President/member of License/Master/Doctoral commissions, member of commissions for admission to the Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Director of the Master Program Quality Management (2005 – 2009)
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Piaţa Romană 6, Sector 1, cod 010374, Bucharest, Romania, http://www.ase.ro/
Higher education, research

Professor, Head of the UNESCO Chair – Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration (in foreign languages), http://www.fabiz.ase.ro/, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, http://www.ase.ro/, Romania
Coordinating the activities carried-out by the Chair staff;
Representing the Chair at Faculty level, as member of the Teacher’s Council of the Faculty of Business Administration (in foreign languages); Member of the Senate of the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest;
Preparing the Chair’s staffing requirements, according to the teaching programs development strategy and to the annual plans approved by the University management;
Initiating and supporting the realization of the Chair’s website and other informative materials for teachers and student, in English, French and German;
Coordinating the realization of the Accreditation File for the “Business Administration” specialization, with teaching in English, French and German;
Participating at the development and improving of the teaching plans of the Faculty of Business Administration (in foreign languages) at License and Master level;
Coordinating the development and improving of the curricula of the courses taught at the Faculty of Business Administration (in foreign languages);
Developing partnerships with other Romanian and foreign universities (Germany, France, Austria etc);
Teaching the following courses: Intercultural management (French), Production management (German): License level at the Faculty of Business Administration (in foreign languages); Quality management (Romanian, German and French) : License level at the Faculty of Business Administration (in foreign languages); Quality management, Integrated management systems, Tools and techniques of quality management: Master of Quality Management at the Faculty of Trade and Master of Business Administration at the Faculty of Business Administration (in foreign languages);
Coordinating License thesis, Specialization thesis, Postgraduate thesis, Master thesis;
Member of commissions for admission to the Faculty of Business Administration (in foreign languages) and of the Central admission commission, Bucharest University of Economic Studies.
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Piaţa Romană 6, Sector 1, cod 010374, Bucharest, Romania, http://www.ase.ro/
Higher education, research

Visiting professor
Courses on Quality Management, within the Project Management module (in French)
The Centre Arts et Metiers ParisTech University - Cluny, France, http://www.ensam.eu/Campus-et-instituts/Campus-Cluny
International master program „Industrial Projects Management East -West” (Mastere specialise Management de Projects Industriels Est- Ouest)

Courses on Process and Quality Management (in German) and courses on Innovation Management (in German)
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Piaţa Romană 6, Sector 1, cod 010374, Bucharest, Romania, http://www.ase.ro/
Romanian-German - MBA „Entrepreneurial Management” (MBA Unternehmensführung und Innovation), organized by the Faculty of Business Administration (in foreign languages), http://www.fabiz.ase.ro/, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, in collaboration with Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Germany, http://www.en.w-hs.de/

Director of the Research Center for Business Administration, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania, http://businessadministration.researchcenter.ase.ro/
Coordination of the activities regarding fundamental and applied research in the field of business administration, with focus on the inter-disciplinary approach of subjects of national and international interest and on developing partnerships with the business community, in order to fulfill the Center’s mission, which is to support the development of excellence in business administration;
Coordination of the activities regarding the doctoral research and the preparation of the doctoral thesis by Ph.D. students from Romania, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom in the doctoral fundamental field of Economic Sciences, the Economics field and, starting with 2006, the Business Administration field;
Knowledge development in the field of business administration, published both through publications and through national and international conferences, in order to increase the international visibility of the Center’s research groups.
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Piaţa Romană 6, Sector 1, cod 010374, Bucharest, Romania, http://www.ase.ro/
The main focus of the scientific research activity carried-out within the Business Administration Research Center is placed on the following fields:
Developing an entrepreneurial culture in Europe, through promoting values and practices specific to entrepreneurial management;
Defining models of business excellence in a multicultural context;
Increasing the SME-s competitiveness, through developing their innovation capacity;
Increasing quality performance within the cooperative processes in SMEs through expert systems in innovation engineering and management;
Improving business performance through implementing integrated management systems quality-environment-safety-social responsibility;
Designing and implementing models, tools and techniques for increasing the competitiveness of the Romanian business environment;
Improving the quality and the performance of the education and scientific research system in Romanian universities, through the integration of new management practices oriented towards the business environment;
Coordinating the activities regarding the doctoral research and the preparation of the doctoral thesis;
Models and indicators for assessing the quality of the scientific research in universities, in the context of a knowledge-based society.

From 1999 to present
PhD Supervisor in Economic Sciences - Business Administration (Decision of the Ministry of National Education no. 4189/ 9.08.1999, Romania)
Coordination of the doctoral research activities and of the doctoral thesis preparation for 46 PhD students from Romania, Germany, Austria, Suisse, Switzerland, Luxembourg, United Kingdom in Economic Sciences –Business Administration. 31 PhD Students have obtained their PhD degree.
Member of the Commission for doctoral thesis evaluation and public defence
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Piaţa Romană 6, Sector 1, cod 010374, Bucharest, Romania, http://www.ase.ro/
Higher education, research

From 2013- 2018
Director of the Doctoral School in Business Administration, http://www.doctorat.ase.ro/Business-Administration
The doctoral research activities focuses mainly on the following fields:
Implementing/improving quality management systems; implementing integrated management systems quality-environment- safety-social responsibility in Romanian companies;
Implementing TQM principles and development of a quality-oriented organizational culture in companies;
Assessing and improving the performance of SMEs in relation to the European quality management model; developing the SMEs capacity to innovate and the entrepreneurial spirit;
Improving the competitiveness of European companies through human resource management;
Quality improvement of educational services and scientific research in Romanian universities;
The impact of corporate social responsibility on business performance of SMEs in the European Union;
Improving the performance evaluation models of the suppliers from the automotive industry in relation to the needs of a sustainable and responsible development;
Integrated risk management system to ensure the sustainability performance in the public and private sector în UE;
Business continuity management in the context of globalization-triggered risks;
Business Process Outsourcing Models in the Global Enterprise;
Improving business process performance through integrated management of complex projects
Developing new energy management systems for sustainable business in the context of globalization
Development of new models of organizational infrastructure in order to improve effectiveness and efficiency of business processes in the context of globalization;
Increasing organizational agility in startups for a sustainable efficiency in business;
Rsearches regarding information security management in the context of business excellence models
The National Institute for Economic Development – INDE, Faculty of Bucharest Business School, http://bbs.ase.ro/theschool.html, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
Higher education, research

Courses on Quality Management, in the Operational Management Module
The National Institute for Economic Development – INDE, Faculty of Bucharest Business School, http://bbs.ase.ro/theschool.html, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
Romanian-French MBA, organized by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, http://www.ase.ro/, Romania in partnership with Conservatoir National des Arts et Metiers –CNAM Paris, http://www.cnam.fr/

1996 – 1999
Visiting professor
Courses on Total Quality Management (specialization module “Teaching and school administration”)
University of Bucharest, Bulevardul Regina Elisabeta 4-12, București 030018, http://www.unibuc.ro/
Higher education

1994 – 1998
Associate professor, Department of Commodities Science and Quality Management, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
Lectures and seminars on Quality management, Quality strategy and management, Quality assurance systems, Quality management, at the Faculty of Trade
Director of the Postgraduate Programme in Quality management
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Piaţa Romană 6, Sector 1, cod 010374, Bucharest, Romania, http://www.ase.ro/
Higher education

1990 – 1994
Assistant professor, Department of Commodities Science and Quality Management, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Lectures, seminars and laboratory classes for Commodities science basis, Quality Management and Qualimetry, Quality strategy, at the Faculty of Trade
Director of the Postgraduate Programme in Quality management and Customer Protection
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Piaţa Romană 6, Sector 1, cod 010374, Bucharest, Romania, http://www.ase.ro/
Higher education

1979 – 1990
Teaching assistant, Department of Commodities Science and Quality Management, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
Seminars and laboratory classes for Commodities science basis, Expertise, Qualimetry at the Faculty of Trade
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Piaţa Romană 6, Sector 1, cod 010374, Bucharest, Romania, http://www.ase.ro/
Higher education

1974 – 1979
Economist, referent for Customs and International Relations Department, Romanian Ministry of Foreign Trade
Relations with the foreign trade companies regarding the application of the customs tariff
General Customs Department, Romanian Ministry of Foreign Trade
Public administration
Educatie Formare: 2014
Project manager - Certificate No. 3018/2014, COR code 242101, recognised course by the National Authority for Qualifications(ANC)

Specialist in procedures and security tools in regards to information systems.- Certificate No. 309/2014, COR code 251402, recognised course by the National Authority for Qualifications(ANC),

SC CERTIND SA, Palatul UGIR, str. George Enescu 27-29, sector 1, Bucureşti, Romania, http://www.certind.ro/
Ministerul Muncii, Familiei şi Protecţiei Sociale, Minsterul Educatiei Naţionale si Cercetarii Stiintifice, România, http://www.edu.ro/

Quality Management System Manager- Certificate No. 1033 MC/2013, COR code 325701 – recognised course by the National Authority for Qualifications(ANC),

Quality Auditor, Certificate No. 096C/2013, COR code 214130– recognised course by the National Authority for Qualifications(ANC),

SC CERTIND SA, Palatul UGIR, str. George Enescu 27-29, sector 1, Bucureşti, Romania, http://www.certind.ro/, Ministry of Labor, Family, and Social Protection of Romania http://www.mmuncii.ro/, The Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, http://www.edu.ro/

Management of distance learning – Certificate No. 149/ 11.01. 2011
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Piaţa Romană 6, Sector 1, cod 010374, Bucharest, Romania, http://www.ase.ro/

Quality auditor AC – Certificate ARC Nr. AC 0450/ 30.07.2007 (The certificate was obtained according to the criteria defined by the European standard EN 17024)
Romanian Association for Quality (European Organization for Quality –EOQ National Representative),
Str. Iani Buzoiani 1, bl.16A, et. 10, ap. 41, cod postal 011571, sector 1, Bucuresti, http://www.quality.ro/

EOQ – Management System Consultant, Certificate No. RO06MSC-25/ 20.11.2006 (EOQ Harmonized Scheme For The Registration/ Certification of Quality Personnel)
The Romanian Association for Quality (European Organization for Quality –EOQ National Representative),
Str. Iani Buzoiani 1, bl.16A, et. 10, ap. 41, cod postal 011571, sector 1, Bucuresti, http://www.quality.ro/

Consultant in quality management - Certificate ARC No. CMC 0008/ 17.02.2006 (The certificate was obtained according to the criteria defined by the European standard EN 17024)
Romanian Association for Quality (European Organization for Quality –EOQ National Representative),
Str. Iani Buzoiani 1, bl.16A, et. 10, ap. 41, cod postal 011571, sector 1, Bucuresti, http://www.quality.ro/

Auditor of quality management systems – Certificate AEROQ No. 582/ 15.07. 2003
SC AEROQ SA Romania, an accredited body for the certification of Management Systems, affiliated member of the European Organization for Quality, Bucharest, Str. Feleacu nr. 14 B, Sector 1, Cod Postal: 014186, http://www.aeroq.ro/

Postgraduate certificate for the Environmental Management and Packaging Economy Course
The Leipzig Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Industrie – und Handelskammer zu Leipzig), http://www.leipzig.ihk.de/ and Duales System Deutschland AG, http://www.gruener-punkt.de/en.html, Germany
Postgraduate certificate for the Environmental Management and Packaging Economy Course
The Leipzig Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Industrie – und Handelskammer zu Leipzig), http://www.leipzig.ihk.de/ and Duales System Deutschland AG, http://www.gruener-punkt.de/en.html, Germany
Postgraduation certificate of the international seminar Eco Management and Audit Scheme - EMAS Eastwards
International Environmental Institute, Sweden, http://www.sei-international.org/, Independent University Titu Maiorescu, Bucarest, Romania, http://www.utm.ro/, Environment DG of the European Commission, http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/environment/index_en.htm

Postgraduate certificate for the Environmental Management and Packaging Economy Course
The Leipzig Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Industrie – und Handelskammer zu Leipzig), http://www.leipzig.ihk.de/ Deutsches Verpackungsinstitut e.V., http://www.verpackung.org/, Duales System Deutschland AG, http://www.gruener-punkt.de/en.html, Leipzig, Germany

Graduate certificate, two modules in the “European Masters Program in Total Quality Management”
Universität Kaiserslautern, Chair of Prof. Dr. Klaus J. Zink, Germany, https://www.ita-kl.de/institut/mitarbeiter/mitarbeiter-detail.html?no_cache=1&tx_itaextension_pi1%5BshowUid%5D=2

Certificate Quality Specialist Auditor – QS-Fachauditor TAR Certificate -QS–Zertifikat Nr. 696/28.07.1993 (According to the TÜV- Akademie Rheinland GmbH Directives (nach den Richtlinien der TÜV- Akademie Rheinland GmbH)
TÜV- Akademie Rheinland, Köln, Germany, http://www.tuv.com/de/deutschland/akademie/koeln.html

Postgraduate Diploma in International Management
Niederösterreichische Landesakademie (Wissenschaftliche Landesakademie für Niederösterreich, Krems, Austria, http://noe-lak.at/

PhD in Economics (PhD Diploma no. 130/ 4.03.1991)
Economics scientific research
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Piaţa Romană 6, Sector 1, cod 010374, Bucharest, Romania, http://www.ase.ro/

Postgraduate Diploma in Informatics
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Piaţa Romană 6, Sector 1, cod 010374, Bucharest, Romania, http://www.ase.ro/

Postgraduate Diploma in Management – Marketing
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania http://www.ase.ro/, The Romanian Association of Marketing – Bucharest http://aromar.ro/, European Fondation Dragan, http://www.decebalusrex.ro/en/dragan-european-foundation, The City University Business School of London, http://ufp.uk.com/

Higher Education Graduate with the highest grade as economist, Trade specialization (Diploma no. 30084/ 6.10.1978)
Fundamental and specialized economic subjects for the field of Commodities Science and Quality Management: statistic quality control, expertise, commodities esthetics, domestic trade economics, the basis of foreign trade, marketing, commercial sociology and consumer psychology, product management etc.
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Piaţa Romană 6, Sector 1, cod 010374, Bucharest, Romania, http://www.ase.ro/

Limba materna: Romanian, Hungarian
Limbi Straine: German,

Aptitudini sociale: team work; communication; openness; initiative; responsibility; perseverance; resistance to stress; easy integration within groups; ability to adapt in a international, multicultural and multi-ethnic environment
Aptitudini organizatorice: Ability to coordinate and manage educational and scientific research activities, coordination and organization of national and international scientific events, coordination and implementation of research projects, consulting, training programs for the business community

Ability to coordinate and manage higher education, research and quality management activities:

At international level:
• Member of Committee Board of the International Master Program, "Industrial Projects Management East -West" (Mastere specialise Management de Projects Industriels Est- Ouest), The Centre Arts et Metiers ParisTech University - Cluny, France (2000 – 2010
• Member of EU projects for higher education (Tempus program) and for companies (Phare program)

At national level:
• Consultative Working Group for the Strategic Planning and Quality Assurance in Romanian Higher Education (1999-2003)
• Director of the National Research Program Quality – Standardization CALIST (2000-2001);
• President of the Censors’ Commission of Romanian National Register of the Quality Auditors - ARNA (1992-2008)
• President of the Policy and Strategy Committee of of the Romanian Certification Body SC CERTIND SA Romania, http://www.certind.ro/, (2006 - present),
• President of the Certification Committee of the Romanian Certification Body -SC CERTIND SA (2005-2006), http://www.certind.ro/
• Director/ Member of national research projects and companies' research projects

At institutional level
• Member of the Teacher’s Council of the Faculty of Bucharest Business School, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, http://bbs.ase.ro/theschool.html (2014 - present)
• Member of the Doctoral Council for Doctoral Studies, http://doctorat.ase.ro/ , Bucharest University of Economic Studies (2014 – present)
• Interim- Director of the Doctoral Council for Doctoral Studies, http://doctorat.ase.ro/, assimilated to the Vice-Rector position, the Bucharest University of Academic Studies (Sept. 2014 –Jan. 2015)
• Member of University's Strategy Development Group for 2015-2020, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, http://doctorat.ase.ro/ (2014)
• Member of the Central Commission for Quality Assurance and Evaluation, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, http://doctorat.ase.ro/ (2003-2012)
• Coordinator of ISO 9001 quality management system implementation in the university (2003-2005). The Bucharest University of Economic Studies have received ISO certification in 2005.
• Member of the Teacher’s Council of the Faculty of Business Administration (in foreign languages) (1998-2008)
• Member of the of the University's Senate, Bucharest University of Economic Studies http://doctorat.ase.ro/, (1998-2008)
Aptitudini tehnice: Utilization of various teaching aids and equipments
Aptitudini calculator: Working knowledge about Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)
Aptitudini artistice: Painting and drawing
Alte competente: Knowledge and experience in Business Excellence, Quality Management, Organizational Performance, Operations Management, Innovation Management
Knowledge and experience in implementing ISO 9001 quality management systems
Knowledge and experience in implementing integrated management systems quality-environment-safety-social responsibility ISO 9001 –ISO 14001- OHSAS 18001 –SA 8000
Knowledge and experience in implementing information security management systems ISO 27001
Knowledge and experience in auditing quality management systems and integrated management systems