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Gabriela Bodea,, Clash-ul crizelor sau viclenia lumii asimetrice (Ediția a doua), Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023
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International Conference "Cluj Economics & Business Conference" (3rd Edition)

Autor: Ovidiu Ioan Moisescu

07 Decembrie 2023 - 09 Decembrie 2023

The Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Cluj-Napoca Babeș-Bolyai University is hosting the third edition of Cluj Economics & Business Conference between the 7-9 December 2023 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

All accepted and presented papers will enter the evaluation process for „Virgil Madgearu” Review of Economic Studies and Research (ISSN 2069-0606) - CNCSIS B+ and indexed CEEOL, ProQuest, EBSCO Publishing, Gale Cengage, Cabell`s Directories, Global Impact Factor, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus International

Keynote speakers:
Daniel Bruce KLEIN, Professor of Economics at George Mason University and Associate Fellow of the Swedish Ratio Institute
Charlotta STERN, Professor of Sociology specialized in work and organizations, Stockholm University and CEO of Ratio Institute
Pierre GARELLO, Professor of Economics, Aix Marseille University and director of Institute for Economic Studies-Europe.

Conference website:

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