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LICCS 1th Edition 2021

2nd edition

International Conference/Online, 28-29 September 2023

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Organizer: Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, “Babeș-Bolyai” University

Following the successful edition that took place online in July 2021, the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication (DMLBC) of the “Babeș-Bolyai” University’s Faculty of Economics and Business Administration announces the second edition of its International Conference. We welcome proposals that broadly reflect aspects related to the study of foreign languages, communication and cultural studies. The conference will take place online via Zoom and the plenaries will be live streamed on the Department’s Facebook page.

The themes of this conference encourage the sharing of expertise and ideas across disciplines and areas of interest. In celebration of multilingualism and diversity, the official languages of our conference are English, French, Italian, Spanish, German and Romanian, hence we welcome presentations of both research-based papers and practical case studies in any of these languages and in the following areas:

    • Linguistics, Literature & Translation Studies
    • LSP (Language for Specific Purposes)
    • Cultural Studies, Communication & Management
    • Romanian as a Foreign Language
Abstracts are invited for a 15-20-minute presentation. Please submit an abstract of maximum 250 words, the title of your presentation and the chosen area of interest as per the above classification by 15 June. For submissions, please use the following: registration link.

We look forward to a meaningful exchange and to sharing new and exciting ideas and projects for languages, literature and culture!

Certificate of participation and publication
All participants will receive an electronic certificate of participation and papers will be published in Babeș-Bolyai University’s Lingua Journal, indexed in EBSCO and CEEOL.

Important dates:
15 June 2023 (Extended: 1 July 2023): Title and abstract submission
5 July 2023: Notifications of acceptance sent by email
1 September 2023: Paper submission for publication in the journal’s 2023 issue
1 May 2024: Paper submission for publication in the journal’s 2024 issue

For further information on the conference, please contact liccs@econ.ubbcluj.ro

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