Lingua. Language and Culture


Call for papers for journal manuscripts

Lingua. Language and Culture invites researchers, scholars and authors to submit their original and extended research to its current and special issues.

Lingua. Language and Culture is the publication of the Lingua Centre for the Development and Improvement of Communication in the Public Sphere (Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj- Napoca). The goal pursued by the journal is to provide a framework for the dissemination and discussion of those findings that are the result of new and fundamental approaches to theoretical and applied linguistics and to the study of culture and civilisation. The publication is intended to be a pool of the research preoccupations both of the Lingua Centre members and of its Romanian and foreign associates.

The journal is peer-reviewed, indexed in EBSCO and CEEOL (print ISSN: 2068-5351) and issued twice a year in two volumes. The articles are published in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, and they address researchers in disciplines such as linguistics, literature, anthropology, history of ideas, as well as language teaching practitioners functioning with applied language departments in Romania and abroad. The journal publishes research papers, case studies, analytical papers, argumentative papers, survey research and data analysis.

Your contribution should be submitted by email at

September 1, 2023: submission deadline for full manuscripts

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