Business Modeling and Distributed Computing

Business Modeling and Distributed Computing


This English-language master program was born out of the desire to bring to FSEGA quality course content that we’ve developed and taught during long-term collaborations with various European universities. We have been teaching these contents at University of Vienna, Free University of Amsterdam, Cardiff University, FHNW Switzerland, University Carlos III Madrid as well as in extra-curricular programs such as the NEMO summer school series or in various public tutorials.

Programming skills are an advantage when starting the program, but the courses also provide beginners-oriented tutorials to support those who attend the program without having a technical background. Acquiring hands-on experience with a diversity of technologies can enable those who later choose to switch careers towards digitalization projects. Moreover, the program dedicates some segments of the curriculum to Business Analysis skills, focusing on the ability to structure and conceptualize a business context and to extract IT requirements out of it.

Therefore the program aims to balance a technological/computational perspective and a conceptual/business analysis direction, towards building a hybrid “Digital Innovator & Engineer” skill profile that is increasingly needed but involves historically-disconnected skills for which traditional programs are insufficient (see details on the Skills and abilities page).

We are developing strategic partnerships for our BMDC graduate students, which provide opportunities for internships or access to innovative tools. Some of our partnership programs are:

FSEGA joined the OMiLAB network, which includes universities interested in various methods based on Conceptual Modeling – from Design Thinking to Model-driven IoT. The OMILAB-FSEGA node of the OMiLAB network will become a key educational resource for our master program’s curriculum, through its dedicated modules on Design Thinking, Business Process Modeling, Process Automation, IoT (to be integrated during 2023). More details about the mission and resources of OMiLAB-FSEGA can be consulted here.


The best master dissertations have been promoted in prestigious international conferences and books, in the form of peer-reviewed published scientific articles:

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