Webinar-ul “Applying for Graduate Schools in the U.S. through the Fulbright Program or as an Independent Student”
Ovidiu Bordean
10 Aprilie 2019
Webinar-ul intitulat “Applying for Graduate Schools in the U.S. through the Fulbright Program or as an Independent Student”, care va fi moderat de Professor Elizabeth Lightfoot, Fulbright Visiting Scholar, va avea loc joi, 11 aprilie, la ora 16.00. Cei interesati sa participe se pot loga de oriunde doresc, daca se inregistreaza la: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7684414596674925581. Informatii despre webinarul de maine se gasesc pe pagina de Facebook Fulbright Romania sau pe website-ul nostru: www.fulbright.ro.
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