Statistical computation

Sample exam questions


Work with the diamonds_small dataset.

1.      Display the values of variables cut, color, clarity, and depth for all diamonds having cut “Ideal”.

2.      Display the structure of the dataset.

3.      Display a boxplot of variable price divided by cut.

4.      Display a histogram of variable depth with a normal curve superimposed.

5.      Compute the mean, median, and range for variable table for each value of clarity.

6.    Compute the correlation between variables .

7.    Display a matrix of scatter plots representing variables

8.      Count how many variables have the cut “Very good” and the price lower than 1000.

9.    Compute the volume for each diamond (. Display the top 10 extreme observation for this variable.

10.   What is the mean value of carat?

11.   What is the median value of carat for diamonds having the color E?

12.   Display mean values of x for each clarity value.

13.   Create a scatter plot of depth and price.

14.   What is the correlation between depth and price?

15.   Create a scatter plot of carat and depth.

16.   What is the correlation between carat and depth?

17.   Create a value label/format for the variable color (at your choice)

18.   Create a value label/format for the variable clarity (at your choice).

19.   Plot a histogram of variable price.

20.   Plot a histogram of variable table.

21.   Place the two histograms from above on the same graph.

22.   Create a frequency table of cut versus color.

23.   Display the minimum value of y for diamonds having the price between 2000 and 3000 and color D.

24.   Create a scatter plot for the carat and price for all diamonds having the color E.