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Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Str. Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60 400591, Cluj Napoca, Romania Tel: +40.264 41 86 52/3/4/5
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Guidelines for full-paper submission

Deadline for full papers is March 15.

Requirements for the paper-formatting are presented below:
The full-paper should be of maximum length of 50,000 characters (including list of references, which is typed according to these instructions: 10 pt).
Use A4 Format (297x210 mm); margins: top 5 cm; bottom 5 cm; left 4.4 cm; right 4.2 cm; gutter 0 cm; header 4 cm; footer 4 cm; between paragraphs one line space; paragraph justify.
The text should be written in Word 2003 or in Word 2007 (Windows), Times New Roman, font 12; The full paper must not contain the name of the author(s) and their affiliation(s).

The name(s) of the presenting author(s) and other co-author(s), affiliation(s), complete mailing address(es), telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address(es), title of the papers should be provided in the Application Form. Special scheduling requests (dates or times) must also be made in the Application Form.

Electronic submissions are expected to the email address: asecu2014@econ.ubbcluj.ro. Submissions should be in Microsoft Word format. When submitting your paper please write in the subject line: ASECU conf. (name of the leading author);

Papers with positive judgment of the referees and presented at the conference are going to be published in the conference proceedings.

The following is also found above:
Participants who need any assistance should contact:
Associate Prof. Alexandra Mutiu,
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,
Cluj Napoca, Romania
e-mail: alexandra.mutiu@econ.ubbcluj.ro, alexandra.mutiu@yahoo.com

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