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Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

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Papers can be written in English or in Hungarian language.
The text should be between 8 and 10 printed pages, numbered, A4 format, characters Times New Roman 12, single spacing.
The first page must contain the title of the article, the author's name, their complete scientific title and affiliation, professional address and e-mail, followed by an abstract of 10 lines that should present the main results of the paper.
The abstract will be followed by 5-7 keywords and one or more JEL classification code(s).
Authors are required to submit an English abstract with title and keywords, even if the paper is written in Hungarian.

Papers should contain the following parts:

    - Introduction (including a clear indication of the purpose of the research and the relevancy of the problem, literature review and conceptualization). Literature review represents the theoretical foundation of the paper. If needed, literature review could be presented in a separapte chapter, together with conceptualization, which integrates findings from literature with author’s ideas. Conceptualization could take multiple forms, like a conceptual model or a set of hypotheses.
    - Methodology (empirical data collection methods and process) - Results and discussions (data analysis, findings and interpretation of the findings)
    - Conclusions (brief summary of the paper, key results, recommendations, implication for practice, limitations, direction for future research)
    - References. Please ensure that every reference quated in the paper can be found in the reference list (and vice versa). In the text reference quotes will appear between brackets, with the name and the publication date, e.g.: (Gyeroffy 1997), for two authors (Black and Scholes 1973). In case of three or more authors, only the first will be mentioned, under the form (Barberis et al. 1998). If two references have the same author and year of publication, they will be differentiated through letters (Fanra 1965a). These letters will also appear in the bibliography. At the end of the article the references will be presented as follows: in case of periodicals the list of the authors including the first name initial, the year of publication, the title of the article, the name of the periodical in italics without abbreviations, the number of the volume and the number of pages; in case of books the list of authors including the first name initial and the year of publication, the title of the book in italics without abbreviations, the publishing house, the place of publication. Please ensure that every reference is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).
For any further clarifications, do not hesitate to contact us!

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