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Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Str. Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60 400591, Cluj Napoca, Romania
Tel: +40.264 41 86 52/3/4/5
Fax: +40.264 41 25 70

ICEBM 2019
ICEBM 2017
ICEBM 2015
ICEBM 2013


Acceptance to the conference will be decided by the Conference Organizing Committee, with the help of the Scientific Committee, based on the extended abstracts submitted. Participation at the conference is not conditioned by the submission of a full paper. All conference presentations are expected to be held in English.

Extended abstracts shall be written in English. The text should be min. 1500 - max. 3000 characters long (without spaces) and should present the purpose of the research, the relevance of the problem, the main elements of the literature review, the methods for data collection and analysis and the main findings. The abstract will be followed by 5-7 keywords and max. 4 JEL classification codes.

Papers can be written in English or Hungarian. Only original papers (not submitted for publication elsewhere) will be considered for publication. Submitted papers will be double-blind peer reviewed. Accepted papers will be published in Közgazdász Fórum – Forum on Economics and Business (ISSN 1582-1986), a quarterly scientific journal edited by the Hungarian Economist's Society of Romania and the Department of Economics and Business Administration in Hungarian Language, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeș-Bolyai University. The issues of Közgazdász Fórum – Forum on Economics and Business are indexed in the ProQuest and EBSCO international databases.
The papers should have the following structure: introduction, literature review and conceptualization, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion (including implication for theory and practice, limitation and future research), key references and appendix. The introduction must show a clear indication of the purpose of the research and the relevance of the problem. Literature review represents the foundation for the paper. The conceptualization integrates the findings from the literature with the ideas of the author. It could take multiple forms: conceptual model, research questions or a set of hypotheses. The methodology section presents the methods for data collection and analysis. The results part should contain data analysis and findings. In the discussion part the findings are interpreted and discussed in the light of existing literature. Conclusions are the author’s contribution to the knowledge. Implication for practice is a guideline for practitioners who could benefit from using the findings. Limitations and future research could be presented in the same part connected to each other.
The text should be 8-12 printed pages long, A4 format, characters Times New Roman 12, single spacing. For editing rules please refer to the website of Közgazdász Fórum – Forum on Economics and Business (http://www.econ.ubbcluj.ro/feb).

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