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Central-Eastern European Business Administration International Summer School - 5th edition

August 8th - 14th, 2011

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, UBB
Economics Students Organization
Telephone No.
+40.264 - 481654, extension 5776

in partnership with Nokia Romania

CEEBA, 4rd edition - 2010
CEEBA, 3rd edition - 2009
CEEBA, 2nd edition - 2008
CEEBA, 1st edition - 2007


The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration prides itself on a long academic history. Interest in academic aspects of the economy can be traced back to the curricula of the colleges and universities of Cluj as early as the middle ages and as recently as modern times. The first Romanian higher education institution of economic studies, The Academy of Business and Industrial Studies, was set up in Transylvania in the 20th century, on 14 November 1920. Between 1940-1948, until its dissolution, this higher education institution functioned as such in Brasov. The revival of the economic studies in Cluj was marked by the setting up, in 1961, of the Faculty of Economics at Babes-Bolyai University.

Today, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration is one of the most modern and dynamic faculties of Babes-Bolyai University, offering educational services at all levels: bachelor, master, doctoral, long-distance, in-service training, postgraduate retraining, research, consultancy, and long-term development.

The students' academic training in economics is faciliated by the existence of four lines of study (in Romanian, Hungarian, German and English), consistent with the distinctive cultural features of Transylvania, and with the efforts of the Romanian higher education to implement the European standards. In the near future, october 2007, a French line of study will complement this multicultural training system promoted by our faculty under the auspices of Babes-Bolyai University. Since 1990, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration has initiated and developed a growing number of economic, social and cultural projects, as well as offering consultancy services and strategic partnership in the retraining schemes required by the Romanian economy, promoting free enterprise, the policies of social modernisation and the implementation of the community aquis at local, regional and national level.

The European and international dialogue has been initiated by a series of innovative efforts towards standardisation and competition with the network of faculties of economics in the country, in Europe or on other continents, as well as by the scientific research contributions of the faculty members, doctoral students, master students and undergraduate students to the development of the European academic and research area. With the full support of Babes-Bolyai University, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration has recently managed to develop and update the necessary infrastructure for teaching, research and student accommodation, offering modern amphitheatres, course and seminar rooms, laboratories, conference halls, libraries, exhibition halls, student hostels and a canteen.

Professor Dumitru MATIS, PhD
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

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