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The Accounting and Audit Convergence 2009 Annual Convention hosts a number of four international events focusing on different areas of research in accounting and audit.

The four events focusing on more narrow topics are the followings:

  • Audit and Accounting Convergence Conference
    The conference offers the opportunity for debate on issues related to the worldwide financial crisis and its connections with the accounting community.
  • Workshop on Accounting Education - Sharing Knowledge in an Ever Changing World
    In order to keep up with the current challenges of global economy, accountants need a complex education that must combine intellectual abilities with training for a professional identity. This workshop seeks to examine current influences on the effectiveness of accounting education.
  • Accounting and the New Labor Process Symposium
    The symposium provides a forum for broad range of research that deal with all aspects of critical accounting and the labor process. A broad range of research methodologies will be considered.
  • Transylvanian Initiative for Accounting Research Development Workshop
    The objective of the research workshop is to provide junior faculty and doctoral students with feedback and supportive discussions on their research activities prior to the resulting paper being submitted to a quality journal.
The aim of this scientific event is to create a stimulating environment that allows fruitful debates on various interest areas. An international convention enabling open discussion on the undertaking research of all the participants would therefore optimize individual experiences and bring its contribution to scientific knowledge.

The Audit and Accounting Convergence 2009 Annual Convention will take place at Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 58-60 Teodor Mihali Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. For more details, please see the Convention Venue detailed information on the menu.

The convention fee is €150 (Payable to "Babes-Bolyai University") and includes attendance and presentation of papers within all 4 events. Convention materials, lunches, coffee breaks and the Welcome reception are included.

The payment can also be done in cash at the registration desk during the convention, but this late payment version involves a €175 convention fee, including attendance and presentation of papers within all 4 events.

Registration procedures must be completed until November 1, 2009.

Registration procedures details.

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