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CEBC 2023

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CEBC 2020

CEBC 2019

Cluj Economics & Business Conference

Fourth edition | November 7-9, 2024

The Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeș- Bolyai University is hosting the fourth edition of Cluj Economics & Business Conference, November 7-9, 2024 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Keynote speakers:
  • Barbara Kolm, Vice-Chair of the UN ITU Focus Group on Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies (AI4EE) and Chair of the Thematic Group on the United for Smart Sustainable City Index, ex-Vice President of the Austrian Central Bank, Director of the Austrian Economics Center.
  • Karl Farmer, Professor of Economics, KF-Universität Graz and Professor Honoris Causa of Babeș-Bolyai University.
  • Pierre Garello, Professor of Economics, Aix Marseille University and Director of Institute for Economic Studies-Europe.
  • Fourth keynote speaker (INFER representative) - To be announced.

All accepted and presented papers could enter (depending on authors’ wish) the evaluation process for:

  1. „Virgil Madgearu” Review of Economic Studies and Research (ISSN 2069- 0606) - CNCSIS B+ and indexed CEEOL, ProQuest, EBSCO Publishing, Gale Cengage, Cabell`s Directories, Global Impact Factor, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus International (website: https://econ.ubbcluj.ro/rvm/). Papers should refer to one of these topics: Economics, Business Law and International Economics.
  2. Oradea Journal of Business and Economics (ISSN 2501-1596 (print), ISSN 2501-3599 (online), ISSN–L 2501-1596) indexed in RePEc, DOAJ, ERIH+, etc. (website: http://ojbe.steconomiceuoradea.ro/). Papers should refer to the fields of business and economics.
  3. Journal of Applied Economics indexed in ISI (Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)), Scopus, GEOBASE, EBSCO, Economic Literature Database and DOAJ. (website: https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=recs20)

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