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CEBC 2019

Information for the authors

General issues:

1.    All presented papers in the conference will be reviewed in order to be published in „Virgil Madgearu” Review of Economic Studies and Research from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca.

2.    All papers will be written in English.

3.    The author concedes the editor the right to reproduce and disseminate their paper, as well as other copyrights defined by art.13 in Law no.8/1996 and other applicable legislation. This transfer is free of charge, the author concedes any material claims, present or future, regarding the paper sent for publishing.

4.    Previous obligations and copyright transfers have no implication on the present transfer, any complaints or litigations sprung from previous transfers are the author`s responsibility.

5.    The author certifies that the paper is original and takes full responsibility on claims or complaints from other parties.

6.    If the paper corresponds quantitatively and quality-wise but the editor considers some modifications necessary, the author is expected to modify respectively.

7.    If the paper is considered unpublishable even after the modifications that the authors has made, the editor can refuse to accept it without written notification.

8.    If the paper does not correspond quantitatively or quality-wise, the editor has the right to refuse it and it’s not obligated to return it.


Paper Format:

1.         Microsoft Word (.doc or preferably .docx)

2.         Page size B5, margins up/down/left/right: 20mm, font: Times New Roman, spacing 1 row.

3.         Please use bold letter for the title. The title must not exceed 110 characters (including spaces).

4.         Please mention affiliation and the address(es) of the author(s).

5.         Abstract should not exceed 150 words (roughly 10 rows) and must contain main research results, methods and their relevance.

6.         Key words: between 4 and 6.

7.         JEL Classification: http://www.aeaweb.org/jel/jel_class_system.php.

8.         Citing and sources

a.     Harvard citing system should be used.

b.    Inside the text, sources must appear as follows: e.g. (Hardes, 2006, pp.32) or (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2007, pp.326) or (Brooks et al., 1998);

c.     At the end of the manuscript, references must be ordered alphabetically, after the surname of the first author.

d.    Examples:

                                      i.      Article - Mendonça, H.F., 2007. Empirical evidence from fourteen countries with explicit inflation targeting. Applied Economics Letters, 14(8), pp.573-76.

                                    ii.      Book - Zăpodeanu, D., 2002. Politici monetare. Cluj-Napoca: Dacia.

                                   iii.      Collective works - Lafay, G., 1992. The Measurement of Revealed Comparative Advantages. In: M.G. Dagenais and P.A. Muet, eds. 1992. International Trade Modelling. London: Chapman and Hall Press. pp.209-34.

                                   iv.      Web pages - Albanese, A., 2009. Fairer compensation for air travelers, [online] Available at: <http://www.minister.infrastructure.gov.au/aa/2009/AA007_2009.htm> [Accessed 30 January 2009].

                                     v.      For more information about Harvard citing system, please visithttps://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm


9.         Authors must obtain copyrights for any quote that exceeds 250 words.

10.     Italic letters should be used to highlight some aspects of the text.

11.     Images must have a 1200 dpi minimum resolution and they must permit editing. Both figures and tables should have title and source caption.

12.     Same paper must not be sent for evaluation and publication in the same time in a different review.

13.     Articles should be sent to the following address: cebc@econ.ubbcluj.ro 


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