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Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Str. Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60 400591, Cluj Napoca, Romania
Tel: +40.264 41 86 52/3/4/5
Fax: +40.264 41 25 70

Event sponsors


  • Submission of extended abstracts:
    • 1 February 2019
  • Notification of extended abstracts acceptance for presentation at the conference:
    • 15 February 2019
  • Full paper:
    • 1 April 2019


  • Conference fee payment and payment proof sent by email to egpa@econ.ubbcluj.ro
  • 100 EUR for registration until 1 March 2019, € 150 for late registration (after 1 March)

The conference fee is per participant. It gives the right to participate with up to two papers: one as main author, and one as co-author (or both as co-author). The fee includes: one copy of the book of abstracts, conference materials, coffee breaks, conference dinner, and a Guided tour of the beautiful city of Cluj-Napoca.

Payment information

All fees should be paid by bank transfer, as follows:

Payments in RON:
Beneficiar: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai
Sediu: Str. M. Kogalniceanu, Nr. 1, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Cod fiscal: 4305849
Cod IBAN: RO35TREZ21620F330500XXXX
Trezoreria Cluj
Reprezentand (specificatie obligatorie): FEE EGPA 2019 – Participant First Name

Payments in EUR:
Beneficiary's name: Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Beneficiary's IBAN: RO16RNCB0106026604700008
Beneficiary's Bank Name: BCR CLUJ-NAPOCA
Beneficiary's Bank BIC: RNCBROBU
Payment details (mandatory specification): FEE EGPA 2019 – Participant First Name

  • Please remember to specify the payment details and to send a scanned copy of the payment proof by email to egpa@econ.ubbcluj.ro. After sending the scanned payment document, the sender (participant) will be replied with a confirmation via email.

  • The authors who wish to receive an invoice must specify this fact in the email containing the scanned copy of the payment proof.

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