The financial world is nowadays facing the challenges of the ongoing economic crisis with dramatic consequences on the emergent markets of Europe, Asia, Latin America and not only. The entire world and especially Europe are passing through systemic changes requiring political choices. During this exigent time researchers all over the world are shifting from theoretical modeling toward a pragmatic approach of current social and economic dilemmas.
To what extent the poverty eradication and the support given to developing countries will remain the main concerns of the new global system of governance?
Within a wide audience of academic researchers, PhD researchers and practitioners we invite you to answer to these questions, to analyze ultimate solutions for economic and financial stabilization, to engage in productive debates aiming to facilitate mutual understanding and ascertaining resolutions sustaining a secure and integrated global financial and economic system.
You are invited to submit the abstracts in English by November 3, 2013 to the contact person in your research field. Each abstract should be about 300-500 words. You will receive a notification by e-mail once your paper is accepted. By submitting an abstract, you also agree to submit the paper for revision, to present it and to discuss topics within your area of interest. Full papers will be submitted until December 15, 2013.