Registration form
Name (Last, First):
E-mail address:
Title of paper 1:
Title of paper 2:
Please complete the Registration form and send it at the conference e-mail address until 12 November 2013 together with a copy of the fee payment document.
Registration fees
The registration fee of 100 Euros per paper for one participant includes attendance and presentations of papers, conference materials, guests’ luncheon, coffee breaks, Gala Dinner, access to all Conference presentations and sessions and the Conference Proceedings. The registration fee for each of the co-authors participating at the conference is in value of 50 Euros covering conference materials, lunches, coffee breaks and Gala Dinner.
Until November 12, 2013 all fees should be paid by bank transfer as follows:
Romanian residents will pay the equivalent in lei of 100 Euros at:
Beneficiar: Universitatea “Babes-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca
Cod fiscal: 4305849
Cod IBAN: RO76TREZ216504601X007224
Trezoreria Cluj
Reprezentând: Taxa Conferinta FWPO. Nume Prenume Participant
Non-residents will pay the fee in Euros at:
Beneficiary’s name: "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca
Beneficiary’s IBAN: RO16RNCB0106026604700008
Beneficiary’s Bank Name: BCR CLUJ-NAPOCA
Beneficiary’s Bank BIC: RNCBROBU
Details of payment: Conference FWPO Fee. Participant First and Last Name.