Orarul pe specializare: EAIE, anul 2
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Notatii / Observatii:
SI - Saptamana impara // SP - Saptamana para. Daca intr-o "caseta partajata" apare o singura sala, ea este valabila pentru ambele saptamani.
Sg1 - Semigrupa 1 // Sg2 - Semigrupa 2.
Denumirea disciplinei in: LITERE MARI = CURS; litere mici = seminar
----- MENTORING: The schedule for Mentoring can be found at: https://econ.ubbcluj.ro/orar/fisiere/mentorat2.pdf
----- OPTIONAL: For the students attending the PEDAGOGICAL MODULE (classes available only in ROMANIAN LANGUAGE), the schedule will be as follows:
Didactica economiei
Curs Conf.univ.dr. Mirela Albulescu - Curs: Miercuri, sala 306, Str. Moților, nr. 11, h: 12-14
Seminar: Asist. univ. dr. Aurel Bumbaș - LUNI: 19-20.30 MIERCURI: 17.20-18.50 VINERI: 19-20.30 sala 241 Grup MT cod: dsgha2c
Prof. dr. Simona Motogna and Lect. dr. Dan Mircea Suciu. The courses will take place exclusively online, every Thursday, between 18:00-20:00. Microsoft Teams connection code: jr17v46
FUNDAMENTALS OF HUMANITIES (Theory of Argumentation)
Lect. dr. Adrian Ludusan and Lect. dr. Mihai Rusu (programs in Romanian and English), Lect. dr. Péter-Alpár Gergely (programs in Hungarian), Lect. dr. Christian Schuster (programs in German). The courses will take place exclusively online, every Wednesday, between 18:00-20:00.
Codes for Microsoft Teams connections:
HU: vwuiajw
RO: w8bdhwk
EN: 48pzdog
DE: w0db540
SI - Odd Week
SP - Even Week