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Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Str. Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60 400591, Cluj Napoca, Romania Tel: +40.264 41 86 52/3/4/5
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Participation at National and International Conferences:

Iosif Marin Balog: May, 20-22th 2016, Beijing, China, 2nd International Modernization Forum/Modernization and Diversity http://en.modernization.ac.cn/document.action?docid=29964. Paper presented: Regional Modernization and Sustainable Development in a Mining Region from the Habsburg Monarchy (Transylvania) 1750-1914.

Congresul Național al Istoricilor Români, Cluj-Napoca, August 25-28th 2016. The research team organized a special Panel: Istoria economică între general și regional. Opțiuni metodologice, paradigme și agendă. http://cnir.conference.ubbcluj.ro/sectiuni-cnir-2/ Papers presented: Iosif Marin Balog: Cadrilaterul aurifer al Apusenilor. Specificul procesului modernizării regionale 1750 1914. Rudolf Gräf: Ohaba-Bistra/Ferdinand/Oțelu-Roșu Șansa și neșansa unei microregiuni. Secolul al XIX-lea. Ioan Lumperdean: Istoria economiei regionale: Quo Vadis?

Nagy Robert, 25-27 august 2016 Gödöllő, Hungary, International conference: ”Mozgás és átalakulás. A migráció és a társadalmi mobilitás történeti változásai és összefüggései“ (Migrație și transformare. Schimbări și raporturi istorice ale migrației și a mobilității sociale), paper presented: ”Migráció és társadalmi mobilitás a Zsil-völgyében 1880-1914 között” (Migrație și mobilitate socială pe Valea Jiului în perioada 1880-1914).

Rudolf Gräf, 4 iulie 2016, Reșița: Muzeul Banatului Montan Reșița, Conference Industria bănățeană (reșițeană) - reflectare a concepțiilor politice și economice ale statului absolutist austriac din secolului al XVIII-lea.

Iosif Marin Balog: Medias 22-24 May 2015 Annual Scientific Session, organized by College Mediensis and the Department of Culture of the City Council Medias. Paper School and society "golden quadrilateral" of the Apuseni Mountains.

Iosif Marin Balog: Cluj Napoca, November 26, 2015, National Bank of Romania Cluj branch, Babes-Bolyai University, FSEGA Symposium of Transylvanian banking history and civilization "Ion I. Lapedatu". Paper Study on banks and credit system of the "Golden Quadrilateral" of the Apuseni 1885-1914 (with Ion Lumperdean).

Robert Nagy, Bucharest, 7 to 8 May 2015, Bucharest University, National Conference "goods, money and salaries. History determinants of price and exchange values in Romanian countries, XV-XIX centuries. Paper Prices and wages in the Jiu Valley in the period 1880-1914.

Robert Nagy, Eger, Hungary, University of Eger, 5-6 November 2015 International conference on the history of Transylvania Research XVI-XIX centuries, the paper "Transylvanian historiography economic history of the nineteenth century."

Rudolf Gräf, Linz, Austria, 25-27 June 2015, Symposium "Deutsche Sprache und Kultur im Banater Bergland" Linz, Adalbert Stifter-Institut des Landes Oberösterreich, 25. bis 27. Juni 2015 Communication: Das Bergland we Banater Herrschaftsbereich modernen Rumänischen Staat der zum Habsburgermonarchie. Detalis at: http://www.ikgs.de/#!Symposion-%E2%80%9EDeutsche-Sprache-und-Kultur-im-Banater-Bergland%E2%80%9C-2527062015-Linz-AT/c16kd/5559b97a0cf2adc1ad3da152

Iosif Marin Balog: 10-11th May 2014, National Conference organized by the College Mediensis and Culture Department of the City Council Medias. Paper presented: Gold-mining in the Apuseni Mountains, early twentieth century memoirs of a German engineer. See details at: http://www.mediensis.ro/?page_id=1209

Iosif Marin Balog: Sibiu 13-15 June 2014 Session of the Commission for the History of Cities in Romania Romanian Academy organized by the Commission for the History of Towns and Sibiu County Council. Paper presented: Apuseni mining settlements 1850-1914: trends processes and socio- economic perspective Urban-rural relationship. The presentation focused on the socio-economic and demographic effects of gold mining in the region, both in rural and urban areas, and the relationship between these phenomena and the intensity / pace mining activities in the area.

Rudolf Gräf, German Studies Association, Kansas City, USA, September 19 to 22, 2014, Annual Conference of the Association of German Studies. Paper presented: Siebenbürgen in der Österreich-ungarischen Monarchie 1900-1919. The author focused on the economic aspects of positioning the province the economic space of the Danube Monarchy. Details about the conference is available at: https://www.thegsa.org/conference/documents/GSA_program_14.pdf

Rudolf Gräf, September 6th 2014 Graz/Austria: AKSL (Arbeitskreis für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde): Paper presented: The economic situation of Banat in the First World War and immediately after the 1918 Conference Details: http://www.ikgs.de/#!siebenbuergenweltkrieg/ce5r

Iosif Marinn Balog, Beijing/China, 8-10th August 2013 Modernization and Global Change. The 1st International Modernization Forum. Paper entitled: State and modernization in Central-Eastern Europe in the ”long nineteenth” Century 1800-1914. Some considerations
Details to: http://imf2013.las.ac.cn/index.jsp

Iosif Marin Balog: Conference, Carl Menger - founder of the Vienna School of Economics, organized by the Romanian Academy, Department of Economics, Law and Sociology, Economic History and the History Committee of Economic Thought, "Babes-Bolyai" Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
Paper presented: Monetary Reform in 1892 in Austria-Hungary. The role of gold production from mines in Transylvania in achieving it.

Iosif Marin Balog: 12-14th June 2012. Internatonal Conference Challenges of Modernity. Spatial Integration and Communication in 20th Century Central and Eastern Europe, held in Prague.
Paper presented: Regionalism, Economic Integration and / or Modernization? The Role of Infrastructure for railway transport and communications in the Case of Transylvania from 1850 to 1914. Marin Balog presented aspects of railway construction stages in Transylvania that state involvement in the construction of main lines and sidings for local communities, and trends in direct relation to local and regional economic context.(see: Reviewed by Sebastian Rimestad
Published on H-Soz-u-Kult (August, 2012)

Iosif Marin Balog: 23-24th November 2012, National Conference organized by the College Mediensis and Culture Department of the City Council Medias.
Paper presented: Gold Mining in the Apuseni Mountains in the eighteenth and nineteenth Centuries. Macro-Economic Effects. See: http://www.gsiu.ro/index.php/activitati/noiembrie-2010/

International Conference Coping with Crisis: Re-evaluating the role of crises in economic and social history
Collingwood College, Durham University, 26-28 July 2013 Iosif Marin Balog: 'The Economic Crises of the 19th Century in the Peripheral Regions of the Habsburg Monarchy. Events and Responsesses. Case Study: Transylvania' see initial conference programme: http://copingwithcrisisconference.wordpress.com/

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