OMiLAB FSEGA: open models for Business Informatics
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Latest News

3rd Knowledge Graph-focused workshop at CAISE 2025, Vienna, Austria.

DKE Special Issue - Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs for Semantics-driven Systems Engineering

Past events

OMiLAB-KNOW Workshop @ at BIR 2024, Prague, Czech Rep.

2nd Knowledge Graph-focused workshop at CAISE 2024, Limassol, Cyprus.

The BEE-UP Tutorial and presentation of teaching experiences in the Symposium on Conceptual Modeling Education at ER 2023 conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

The BEE-UP Tutorial was presented at MODELS 2023 conference, Vasteras, Sweden.

1st Workshop on "Domain-specific Modeling Methods and Tools - OMiLAB Nodes experience & knowledge exchange" at BIR 2023, Ascoli Piceno, Italy.
Deadline: 06 August 2023

1st Knowledge Graph-focused workshop at CAISE 2023, Zaragoza, Spain.
Deadline: 07 March 2023

Enterprise Modeling Track at ECIS 2023, Kristiansand, Norway, during 11-16 June 2023

1. Publications of our students

  1. Dolha, D.N. and Buchmann, R.A., 2024. Experiments with natural language queries on RDF vs. XML-serialized BPMN diagrams In Procedings of KES 2024, Seville, Spain.
  2. Dolha, D.N. and Buchmann, R.A., 2024. Generative AI for BPMN Process Analysis: Experiments with Multi-modal Process Representations In International Conference on Business Informatics Research, BIR 2024, Prague, Czech Rep.
  3. Ghiran, A.M. and Gal, S.A., 2024. Software Architectures and the Use of Knowledge Graphs to Support Their Design In International Conference on Business Informatics Research, BIR 2024, Prague, Czech Rep.
  4. Iga, V.I.R., Ghiran, A.M., 2024. Improving the Service Quality in Fitness Industry by Using a Knowledge Graph Based Modeling Toolkit In Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops. CAiSE 2024. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 521. Springer
  5. Chis, A., Buchmann, R.A., Ghiran, A.M., 2024. Towards a modeling method for low-code knowledge graph building In PoEM Forum @ PoEM 2023, Vienna, Austria
  6. Iga, V.I.R., Ghiran, A.M., Osman, C.C., 2023. Orchestrating progression of Enterprise Data into Actionable Intelligence using Conceptual Modelling In Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Business and IT Alignment (BITA 2023) at BIR 2023, Ascoli Piceno, Italy.
  7. Uifălean, Ș. and Buchmann, R.A., 2023. A modeling method for strategic design of induced Semantic Digital Nudging In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Domain-specific Modeling Methods and Tools - OMiLAB Nodes experience & knowledge exchange (OMiLAB-KNOW) at BIR 2023, Ascoli Piceno, Italy.
  8. Chis, A. and Ghiran, A.M., 2023. Embracing Conceptual Modelling to enable the Mediation Role of Enterprise Information Systems. In Proceedings of ECIS 2023, Kristiansand, Norway.
  9. Uifălean, Ș., 2023. Employing Knowledge Graphs for Capturing Semantic Aspects of Robotic Process Automation. In Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Semantics-driven Systems Engineering (KG4SDSE) at CAISE 2024, Zaragoza, Spain
  10. Chiș, A., Ghiran, A.M., Buchmann, R.A., 2022. Proof of Concept for a Roundtrip Engineering IS for the New Enterprise in the Industry 4.0 Era In Proceedings of SYNASC 2022, Viena, Austria
  11. Uifălean, Ș., Ghiran, A.M. and Buchmann, R.A., 2022. Employing Graph Databases for Business Process Management and Representation. In Advances in Information Systems Development AI for IS Development and Operations. Springer
  12. Lixandru, B., Buchmann, R.A. and Ghiran, A.M., 2022. Conceptualizing Node. js Projects: A Graph-Oriented Technology-Specific Modeling Method. In Advances in Information Systems Development AI for IS Development and Operations. Springer
  13. Floruț, C.I. and Buchmann, R.A., 2022. Semantic Bridging between Conceptual Modeling Standards and Agile Software Projects Conceptualizations. In Proceedings of ISD 2022, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  14. Lixandru, B., Buchmann, R.A. and Ghiran, A.M., 2022. Towards a Modeling Method for Managing Node. js Projects and Dependencies. In Proceedings of ISD 2022, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  15. Uifălean, Ș., Ghiran, A.M. and Buchmann, R.A., 2022. From BPMN Models to Labelled Property Graphs. In Proceedings of ISD 2022, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  16. Uifălean, Ș., Ghiran, A.M. and Buchmann, R.A., 2022. User Experience Modeling Method for a Vision of Knowledge Graph-based Process Automation. In Proceedings of ISD 2022, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  17. Chiș, A. and Ghiran, A.M., 2022. A Suite of Modelling Tools for Developing Cyber-Physical Systems and Digital Twins Implementations. In Proceedings of ISD 2022, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  18. Floruț, C. and Buchmann, R.A., 2022. Modeling Tool for Managing Requirements and Backlogs in Agile Software Development. Joint Proceedings of REFSQ 2022 Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, and Poster & Tools Track, Birmingham, UK
  19. Deme, A. and Buchmann, R.A., 2021. A Technology-Specific Modeling Method for Data ETL Processes. In Proceedings of AMCIS 2021, Montreal, Canada
  20. Vasiliev, D.A., Ghiran, A.M., and Buchmann, R.A., 2021. Data Federation for a Project Management Solution through a GraphQL Middleware. In Proceedings of ISD 2021,Valencia, Spain
  21. Vasiliev, D.A., Ghiran, A.M., and Buchmann, R.A., 2021. Evaluation of Data Integration Plans based on Graph Data. In Proceedings of KES 2021, Sczeczin, Poland
  22. Chiș, A. 2020. A Modeling Method for Model-Driven API Management. Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly, No 25 (2020)
  23. Gog, C.I. 2020. Agile Development of PHP Websites: A Model-Aware Approach. Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly, No 25 (2020)
  24. Cinpoeru, M., Ghiran, A.M., Harkai, A., Buchmann, R.A. and Karagiannis, D., 2019. Model-Driven Context Configuration in Business Process Management Systems: An Approach Based on Knowledge Graphs. In Proceedings of BIR 2019, Katowice, Poland
  25. Harkai, A., Cinpoeru, M. and Buchmann, R.A., 2018. The “What” Facet of the Zachman Framework – A Linked Data-Driven Interpretation. In Proceedings of CAISE 2018 Workshops, Tallinn, Estonia
  26. Harkai, A., Cinpoeru, M. and Buchmann, R.A., 2018. Repurposing Zachman Framework Principles for "Enterprise Model"-Driven Engineering. In Proceedings of ICEIS 2018, Madeira, Portugal
  27. Chiș-Rațiu A. and Buchmann, R.A., 2018. Design and Implementation of a Diagrammatic Tool for Creating RDF graphs. In Proceedings of PrOse workshop at PoEM 2018, Vienna, Austria
  28. Cinpoeru, M., 2017. Dereferencing service for navigating enterprise knowledge structures from diagrammatic representations In Proceedings of BIS 2017 Workshops, Poznan, Poland

2. Selected recent publications of the experienced researchers (with a focus on modeling)

  1. Buchmann, R.A. and Ghiran, A.M., 2024. Knowledge Graphs as a Scholarly Data Fabric: A Data Silo Transformation Pipeline with Visualization Semantics In Procedings of The Practice of Enterprise Modeling. PoEM 2024. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 538. Springer
  2. Osman, C.C., Ghiran, A.M. and Buchmann, R.A. 2024. Towards a Knowledge Management Capability for ESG Accounting with the Help of Enterprise Modeling and Knowledge Graphs In Poem Forum @ PoEM 2024
  3. Buchmann, R.A., 2024. Semantics-Driven Systems Engineering: Requirements and Prerequisites for a New Flavor of Model-Driven Engineering In Metamodeling: Applications and Trajectories to the Future. Springer
  4. Buchmann, R.A. and Ghiran, A.M., 2023. Teaching knowledge graphs: A journey from logic to Web development and semantics-driven engineering In ER 2023 (Companion)
  5. Buchmann, R.A., 2022. The Purpose-Specificity Framework for Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling. In Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling. Springer
  6. Sitar-Taut D.A., Mican D. and Buchmann, R.A., 2021. A knowledge-driven digital nudging approach to recommender systems built on a modified Onicescu method. Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 181, 1 November 2021, 115170
  7. Ghiran, A.M. and Buchmann, R.A., 2021. Engineering Semantics-driven Secondary Notation for Domain-specific Conceptual Modeling. In Proceedings of AMCIS 2021, Montreal, Canada
  8. Buchmann, R.A., Dragoș R. and Ghiran, A.M., 2021. From the Application-Centric to the Knowledge-Centric University: A Design Science Proof-of-Concept. In Proceedings of ISD 2021, Valencia, Spain
  9. Ghiran, A.M., Osman, C.C. and Buchmann, R.A. 2020. Advancing Conceptual Modeling Education Towards a Generalized Model Value Proposition. In Advances in Information Systems Development. ISD 2019. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, vol 39. Springer
  10. Ghiran, A.M. and Buchmann, R.A. 2019. The Model-Driven Enterprise Data Fabric: A Proposal Based on Conceptual Modelling and Knowledge Graphs. In Proceedings of KSEM 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11775. Springer
  11. Buchmann, R.A., Ghiran, A.M., Osman, C.C. and Karagiannis D., 2018. Streamlining Semantics from Requirements to Implementation Through Agile Mind Mapping Methods. In Proceedings REFSQ 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10753. Springer
  12. Buchmann, R.A., Cinpoeru, M., Harkai, A. and Karagiannis, D., 2018. Model-Aware Software Engineering. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  13. Ghiran, A.M., Buchmann, R.A., Osman, C.C. and Karagiannis D., 2017. Streamlining Structured Data Markup and Agile Modelling Methods. In Proceedings of PoEM 2017. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 305. Springer
  14. Buchmann, R.A. 2014. Conceptual Modeling for Mobile Maintenance: The ComVantage Case. In Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

3. Joint work with other OMiLAB nodes

  1. Buchmann, R., Eder, J., Fill, H.G., Frank, U., Karagiannis, D., Laurenzi, E., Mylopoulos, J., Plexousakis, D. and Santos, M.Y., 2024. Large language models: Expectations for semantics-driven systems engineering Data & Knowledge Engineering, p.102324
  2. Karagiannis, D., Buchmann, R.A. and Utz, W., 2022. The OMiLAB Digital Innovation environment: Agile conceptual models to bridge business value with Digital and Physical Twins for Product-Service Systems development. Computers in Industry, 138
  3. Karagiannis, D., Buchmann, R.A., Boucher, X., Cavalieri, S., Florea, A., Kiritsis, D. and Lee, M., 2020. OMiLAB: a smart innovation environment for digital engineers. In Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises PRO-VE 2020. Boosting Collaborative Networks 4.0, Valencia, Spain
  4. Utz, W., Buchmann, R.A., Bork, D. and Karagiannis, D. 2020. A BPM Lifecycle Plug-in for Modeling Methods Agility. In Proceedings of AMCIS 2019
  5. Buchmann, R.A., Ghiran, A.M., Döller V. and Karagiannis, D., 2019. Conceptual Modeling Education as a “Design Problem”. Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly, No 21 (2019)
  6. Karagiannis, D., Burzynski, P., Utz, W. and Buchmann, R.A. 2019. A Metamodeling Approach to Support the Engineering of Modeling Method Requirements. In Proceedings of RE 2019, Jeju Island, South Korea
  7. Bork, D., Buchmann, R.A., Karagiannis, D., Lee, M., Miron E.T. 2019. An Open Platform for Modeling Method Conceptualization: The OMiLAB Digital Ecosystem. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 44
  8. Karagiannis, D. and Buchmann, R.A., 2018. A Proposal for Deploying Hybrid Knowledge Bases: the ADOxx-to-GraphDB Interoperability Case. In Proceedings of the HICSS 2018
  9. Moser, C., Buchmann, R.A., Utz, W. and Karagiannis, D., 2017. CE-SIB: A Modelling Method Plug-in for Managing Standards in Enterprise Architectures. In Proceedings of ER 2017, Valencia, Spain
  10. Bork, D., Buchmann, R.A., Hawryszkiewycz, I., Karagiannis, D., Tantouris, N. and Walch, M., 2016. Using Conceptual Modeling to Support Innovation Challenges in Smart Cities. In Proceedings of the HPCC/SmartCity/DSS 2016, Sydney, Australia
  11. Karagiannis, D., Buchmann, R.A., Burzynski, P., Reimer, U. and Walch, M., 2016. Fundamental Conceptual Modeling Languages in OMiLAB. Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling. Springer
  12. Buchmann, R.A. and Karagiannis, D., 2016. Enriching Linked Data with Semantics from Domain-Specific Diagrammatic Models. Bus Inf Syst Eng 58, 341–353 (2016)
  13. Karagiannis, D. and Buchmann, R.A., 2016. Linked Open Models: Extending Linked Open Data with conceptual model information. Information Systems, Volume 56, 174-197
  14. Visik, N., Fill, H.G., Buchmann, R.A. and Karagiannis, D., 2015. A domain-specific language for modeling method definition: From requirements to grammar. In Proceedings of the RCIS 2015, Brussels, Belgium
  15. Buchmann, R.A. and Karagiannis, D., 2015. Modelling mobile app requirements for semantic traceability. Requirements Eng 22, 41–75
  16. Bork, D., Buchmann, R.A. and Karagiannis, D., 2015. Preserving Multi-view Consistency in Diagrammatic Knowledge Representation. In Proceedings of the KSEM 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9403. Springer L
  17. Buchmann, R.A. and Karagiannis, D., 2015. Pattern-based Transformation of Diagrammatic Conceptual Models for Semantic Enrichment in the Web of Data. Procedia Computer Science, Volume 60, 150-159
  18. Buchmann, R.A. and Karagiannis D., 2015. Agile Modelling Method Engineering: Lessons Learned in the ComVantage Research Project. In Proceedings of the PoEM 2015. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 235. Springer

4. Selected editorial work

  1. Special Issue Editor at DKE 2025
  2. Workshop chairing at BIR 2024
  3. Workshop chairing at CAISE 2024
  4. Workshop chairing at BIR 2023
  5. Workshop chairing at CAISE 2023
  6. Editor for KSEM 2023
  7. Track chairing for the Enterprise Modeling track in ECIS 2019-2023
  8. Program chairing of ISD 2022
  9. Special Issue Editor at EMISAJ 2022
  10. Program chairing of BIR 2021
  11. Special Issue Editor at CSIMQ
  12. Program chairing of BIR 2020
  13. Editor for BIR 2019 Doctoral Consortium
  14. Program chairing of PoEM 2018
  15. Co-Editor of IE 2016 post-proceedings
  16. Program chairing of KSEM 2014
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