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Marko Sarstedt, Monika Imschloss & Susanne Adler, Multisensory Design of Retail Environments - Vision, Sound, and Scent, Springer, 2024
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Prof.univ.dr.habil. Cristian Marius Litan
Strada Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60
Campus FSEGA
400591, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel: +40 264 418 652/3/4/5
Fax: +40 264 412 570
Int: 5857
Birou: 231
E-mail: cristian.litan

Activitate profesionala Activitate didactica Activitate de cercetare

- Mathematical and quantitative methods applied to economics and social sciences, game theory and applications, applied econometrics&statistics.


Economic theory

1) Litan M. Cristian, Marhuenda Francisco, Peter Sudhölter, "Determinacy of equilibrium in outcome game forms", JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS, vol. 60, 2015, p. 28 – 32.

2) Litan M. Cristian, Marhuenda Francisco, "Determinacy of Equilibrium Outcome Distributions for Zero Sum and Common Utility Games", ECONOMICS LETTERS, vol. 115, 2012, p. 152 – 154.

3) González Pimienta Carlos, Litan M. Cristian, "Conditions for equivalence between sequentiality and subgame perfection", ECONOMIC THEORY, vol. 35, 2008, p. 539 – 553.

4) Kukushkin S. Nikolai, Litan M. Cristian, Marhuenda Francisco, "On the generic finiteness of equilibrium outcome distributions in bimatrix game forms", JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, vol. 139, 2008, p. 392-395.

Applications of game theory

5) Silaghi Gheorghe Cosmin, Șerban Liviu Dan, Litan M. Cristian, "A time-constrained SLA negotiation strategy in competitive computational grids", FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS (journal of theory and methods in Grid/Grid economy), vol. 28, 2012, p. 1303–1315.

6) Curt Paula, Litan M. Cristian, Filip A. Diana, "The least core in fixed-income taxation models: a brief mathematical inspection", JOURNAL OF INEQUALITIES AND APPLICATIONS (journal of applied mathematics), published on-line, 2011, p. 1 – 15, doi: 10.1186/1029-242X-2011-138.

7) Curt Paula, Litan M. Cristian, Filip A. Diana, "A mathematical revisit of modeling the majority voting on fixed income quadratic taxations", JOURNAL OF INEQUALITIES AND APPLICATIONS (journal of applied mathematics), published on-line, vol. 2010, p. 1 – 15, doi: 10.1155/2010/329378.

Other topics (involving applied econometrics&statistics)

8) Moca Mircea, Litan M. Cristian, Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi, Gilles Fedak, "Multi-criteria and satisfaction oriented scheduling for hybrid distributed computing infrastructures", FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS (journal of theory and methods in Grid/Grid economy), Elsevier, 2015, in press, ISSN: 0167-739X,

9) Silaghi Monica Ioana, Alexa Diana Ioana, Jude Cristina, Litan M. Cristian, "Do business and public sector research and development expenditures contribute to economic growth in central and eastern European countries? A dynamic panel estimation", ECONOMIC MODELLING, vol. 36, 2014, p. 108 – 119.

10) Chereches M. Răzvan, Litan M. Cristian, Zlati M. Alina, Bloom R. Joan, "Does co-morbid depression impact diabetes related costs? Evidence from a cross-sectional survey in a low-income country", JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH POLICY AND ECONOMICS, vol. 15, 2012, p. 127 – 138.


GTC_34068 Litan, C.M. (PI) 2013 – 2014
Cooperative game theory concepts adapted to models of majority voting over income taxation
Role: PI
Financing institution: Babeș-Bolyai University

ECO2010-19596 Marhuenda, F. (PI) 2011 – 2013
“Formacion, financiacion e impacto de las instituciones sociales”
Role: Researcher
Financing institution: Spanish Ministry of Education and Sciences

PN-II-RU-TE 319 Chereches, R.M. (PI) 2010 – 2013
The assessment of the impact of informal payments on the health system
Role: Researcher (economic analysis, econometric analysis, related economics issues)
Financing institution: Romanian Ministry of Education and Sciences

PN-II-RU-TE 53 Silaghi, M. (PI) 2010 – 2013
Modeling the endogenous economic growth and the mix of macroeconomic policies in Romania and other emerging economies
Role: Researcher
Financing institution: Romanian Ministry of Education and Sciences

PN-II-RU-PD 415 Litan, C.M. (PI) 2010 – 2012
Outcome game forms: theoretical advances, generic properties of Nash equilibria, applications for economic modeling
Role: PI
Financing institution: Romanian Ministry of Education and Sciences

PN-II-IDEI 2452 Silaghi, Gh. (PI) 2007– 2011
A study regarding peer-to-peer collaborative environments for creating a high performance computing system for small and medium enterprises
Role: Researcher
Financing institution: Romanian Ministry of Education and Sciences

SEJ2007 – 67135 Marhuenda, F. (PI) 2007 – 2010
"Reglas de agregación y toma de decisión colectiva"
Role: Researcher
Financing institution: Spanish Ministry of Education and Sciences

CPHS # 2008-4-65 Chereches, R.M. (PI) 2007 – 2009
The impact of depression on diabetes patients: incidence and costs
Role: Researcher (economic costs estimation, econometric analysis, related economics issues)
Financing institution: Berkeley University, from Fogarty Grant, NIH, USA

SEJ 2004 – 00968 Marhuenda, F. (PI) 2004 – 2007
“Integración económica y política entre economías desiguales”
Role: Researcher
Financing institution: Spanish Ministry of Education and Sciences

FPI Litan, C.M. (PI) 2004 – 2007
Grant “Plan de Formación de Personal Investigador” for the Ph.D. thesis: Three essays in economic theory
Role: PI
Financing institution: Comunidad de Madrid, Spain

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