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Marko Sarstedt, Monika Imschloss & Susanne Adler, Multisensory Design of Retail Environments - Vision, Sound, and Scent, Springer, 2024
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Marko Sarstedt, Monika Imschloss & Susanne Adler, Multisensory Design of Retail Environments - Vision, Sound, and Scent, Springer, 2024
This book explores how brick-and-mortar retailers can thrive amid the rise of online shopping by creating immersive sensory experiences that engage consumers. Drawing on the latest sensory marketing research, it reveals how vision, sound, and scent influence consumer behavior, offering practical insights for enhancing in-store experiences.

Table of contents:

Gabriela Bodea,, Clash-ul crizelor sau viclenia lumii asimetrice (Ediția a doua), Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023
Clash-ul crizelor sau viclenia lumii asimetrice (ed. a doua, revăzută și adăugită, 2023) marchează o reflexie personală asupra vicleniei crizelor, abordând crize care „amăgesc” atât sistemele economico-sociale și geopolitice, cât și societatea. Cartea este concepută rotund: debutează și se finalizează prin apelul la asimetrii. Totuși, ea nu se dorește o strictă cercetare științifică, ci este un îndemn de a păși în cultura economică, martoră a atâtor crize. Esența sa este oferită chiar prin titlu: „coliziunea” crizelor care macină economia globală, pe f ...afiseaza tot textul
Lăcrămioara Radomir, Raluca Ciornea, Huiwen Wang, Yide Liu, Christian M. Ringle & Marko Sarstedt (Editors), State of the Art in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), Springer, 2023
This book brings together some of the best papers from the 2022 Conference on PLS-SEM, held at the Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania. The volume seeks to expand the current research on PLS-SEM and promote the method’s application in the scientific community. It gathers research from scholars in many different fields who work on the advancement of PLS-SEM and who apply the method to explain and predict behavioral phenomena.

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Zhi Jin, Yuncheng Jiang, Robert Andrei Buchmann, Yaxin Bi, Ana-Maria Ghiran, Wenjun Ma (Editors), Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, Springer, 2023
This is a set of 4 volumes that constitute the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, KSEM 2023, which was held in Guangzhou, China, during August 16–18, 2023.

Table of contents:

Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi, Robert Andrei Buchmann, Virginia Niculescu, Gabriela Czibula, Chris Barry, Michael Lang, Henry Linger, Christoph Schneider (Editors), Advances in Information Systems Development: AI for IS Development and Operations, Springer, 2023
This book features current research on ISD methods, processes and systems, highlights the interplay between Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence, and presents emerging concepts and trends that will come to the forefront of ISD research and practice in the next decade.

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Monica Violeta Achim & Robert W. McGee (Editors), Financial Crime in Romania: A Community Pulse Survey, Springer, 2023
This book investigates various demographic aspects in relation to financial crime in Romania, explores Romanian behavior patterns in relation to financial crime, and features a Romanian Community Pulse Survey on financial crime.

Table of contents:

Cristina Bota-Avram, Science Mapping of Digital Transformation in Business: A Bibliometric Analysis and Research Outlook, Springer, 2023
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the existing research on digital transformation in business, explores new research trends and topics in the field of business digitization, and provides a summary of future research directions in the field of digital transformation.

Table of contents:

Joanna Dyczkowska, Andrea Szirmai Madarasine & Adriana Tiron-Tudor (Editors), Development of Integrated Reporting in the SME Sector, Case Studies from European Countries, Springer, 2021
This book provides results from comparative studies on integrated reporting, includes case studies from several European countries, and treats aspects of financial and non-financial reporting.

Table of contents:

Sorin Dan, Diana Ivana, Monica Zaharie, Daniel Metz & Mihaela Drăgan, Digital Talent Management. Insights from the Information Technology and Communication Industry, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021
Thus book provides analysis of real-world companies, covering both the challenges and successes of digital talent retention, offers a study of digital talent retention in the context of Covid-19, which may have long term implications for the sector, and presents research and practical recommendations on how IT&C companies can avoid pitfalls that lead to digital talent turnover.

Table of contents:

Joseph F. Hair, Tomas M. Hult, Christian M. Ringle, Marko Sarstedt, Nicholas Danks & Soumya Ray, Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) Using R, Springer, 2021
This book is open access, which means that you have free and unlimited access. Offers concise guidelines on how to apply and interpret PLS-SEM results. Includes an llustrative step-by-step application of PLS-SEM within the R software environment. Draws on the highly user-friendly SEMinR package, co-developed by two of the co-authors. Adopts a case study approach that focuses on the illustration of relevant analysis steps.

Open access:

Gabriela Bodea, Clash-ul crizelor sau viclenia lumii asimetrice. Demitizarea trădării, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2021
Volumul își propune să marcheze o reflexie personală asupra vicleniei crizelor. Concret, este vorba despre crize care „amăgesc” sistemele economico-sociale și geopolitice. Cartea este concepută rotund: debutează și se finalizează prin apelul la asimetrii. Totuși, ea nu se dorește o strictă cercetare științifică, ci este un îndemn de a păși în cultura economică, martoră a atâtor crize. Esența sa este oferită chiar prin titlu: „coliziunea” crizelor care macină economia globală, pe fundalul a diverse asimetrii. Ea n-are pretenția exhaustivității, ci pledează ...afiseaza tot textul
Joseph F. Hair, Tomas M. Hult, Christian M. Ringle & Marko Sarstedt , A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). 3rd Edition, SAGE, 2021
The third edition of A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) guides readers through learning and mastering the techniques of this approach in clear language. Authors Joseph H. Hair, Jr., G. Tomas M. Hult, Christian Ringle, and Marko Sarstedt use their years of conducting and teaching research to communicate the fundamentals of PLS-SEM in straightforward language to explain the details of this method, with limited emphasis on equations and symbols. A running case study on corporate reputation follows the different steps in this technique so readers can better un ...afiseaza tot textul
Doru Șupeală, Employer Branding 100%, Curtea Veche, 2021
Dacă ești antreprenor, manager, lider de echipă ori organizație sau lucrezi în Resurse Umane, Marketing sau Comunicare sau pur și simplu ești curios din fire, această carte este scrisă pentru tine. Deschide-o de câte ori ai nevoie să înțelegi cum le poți oferi oamenilor bucuria de a lucra în organizația ta și cum le poți obține loialitatea, devotamentul, implicarea și sprijinul necondiționat.
Monica V. Achim & Sorin N. Borlea, Economic and Financial Crime. Corruption, shadow economy, and money laundering, Springer, 2020
This book deals with the widespread economic and financial crime issues of corruption, the shadow economy and money laundering. It investigates both the theoretical and practical aspects of these crimes, identifying their effects on economic, social and political life. This book presents these causes and effects with a state of the art review and with recent empirical research. It compares the international and transnational aspects of these economic and financial crimes through discussion and critical analysis. This volume will be of interest to researchers and policy makers working to study ...afiseaza tot textul
Costinel DOBRE; Anca-Maria MILOVAN , Marketing online și social media, CH Beck, 2019
Marketing online și social media. O călătorie în lumea virtuală a marketingului aduce o contribuție importantă la dezvoltarea disciplinei de marketing, incluzând în cele șapte capitole subiectele majore regăsite în literatura de marketing online. Demonstrând excelența academică și familiarizarea cu dificultățile practice, autorii oferă informații valoroase pentru orice cititor pasionat de marketing. Pentru cercetători, cartea reprezintă un portal pentru demararea unei cercetări amănunțite a aspectelor tratate în carte, organizarea și analiza tematică a conținutului ...afiseaza tot textul
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