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Gabriela Bodea,, Clash-ul crizelor sau viclenia lumii asimetrice (Ediția a doua), Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023
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Lect.univ.dr. Atena Faragalla
Strada Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60
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400591, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel: +40 264 418 652/3/4/5
Fax: +40 264 412 570
E-mail: atena.faragalla

Activitate profesionala Activitate didactica Activitate de cercetare
I. Articole publicate în reviste cotate ISI:

1 Faragalla, W.A; Tiron-Tudor, A. Gender as a Dimension of Inequality in Accounting Organizations and Developmental HR Strategies. Adm. Sci. 2020, 10, 1( ESCI

2 Del Baldo, M, Tiron-Tudor, A; Faragalla, W. A., Women’s Role in the Accounting Profession: A Comparative Study between Italy and Romania. Administrative Sciences, (ISSN 2076-3387) 2018, vol 9, nr 1, Pag 1-23, ESCI

3 Tiron-Tudor,A; Faragalla, W.A,Women Career Paths in Accounting Organizations: Big4 Scenario. Administrative Sciences, (ISSN 2076-3387) 2018, Vol 8, Pag 1-16 ( ESCI

4. Faragalla, W.A.; Tiron-Tudor, A., A prosopography of pioneer women in accounting viewed through the feminist gender stratification lenses, under review in Accounting History, ISI
5. Faragalla, W.A.; Tiron-Tudor, A Stanca, L. Glass ceiling perceptions in the Romanian accounting organizations, under review in Journal of East European Management Studies, ISI

II. Articole publicate în reviste cotate BDI sau în alte reviste:

1. Faragalla, W.A. Creative Accounting Practices from the Accounting Professionals' Perspective. Audit Financiar, (ISSN 1844 – 8801) 2015, vol 13 nr. 127. Pag 59-72
2. Faragalla, W.A. The Perception of Women on Discrimination at the Job: Case Study for the Accounting Profession. Audit Financiar, 2015, vol 13, nr. 129, Pag. 58-66 (ISSN on-line: 1844-8801)
3. Faragalla, W.A. Stereotypes regarding accounting profession: an empirical study. Management Intercultural, 2015, vol.17, nr.1 (33), Pag. 151-155 (

4. Faragalla, W.A., Tiron-Tudor, A., Stanca, L. (2020), The Women in the Audit Profession – Key Highlights Regarding Gender Entrepreneurship in Romania, Audit Financiar, vol. XVIII, no. 1(157)/2020, pp. 145-153, DOI: 10.20869/AUDITF/2020/157/003

III. Cărţi publicate/coordonate în calitate de coautor sau studii /capitole în volume colective (volume cu ISBN)

1 Faragalla W.A., in Women in business, Ed Paoloni P, Demartini P,Cesaroni F M , 2019, nov, Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Administrative Sciences DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-03921-639-0

IV. Lucrări prezentate la conferinţe internaţionale:

1. Faragalla, W.A. 3rd European Colloquium on Qualitative Research Methods in Business and Accounting, 26-27 March 2018, Glasgow, The UK
2. Faragalla, W.A. Workshop Accounting in different cultures and from different perspectives Minho, Braga, nov 2017- Her rise in the accounting profession viewed through gender stratification lenses
3. Faragalla, W.A., 24eme, Tutorat Doctoral Grand Sud, Montpellier 2017, Institut Montpellier Management- Gender entrepreneurship in the accounting profession, Montpellier, France
4. Faragalla, W.A. EAA Doctoral Colloquium and EAA conference May 2016- Woman's place in the Romanian accounting profession, Vaals and Maastricht-The Netherlands
5. Faragalla, W.A., IPAZIA 2nd WORKSHOP on gender: Culture and gender issues 8 marzo 2016 Presso Università Niccolò Cusano- Woman's place in the Romanian accounting profession, Rome, Italy
6. - Tiron-Tudor, A. and Faragalla, W.A. (2022), "Intersections of women’s identities in professional accountancy careers", Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

V. Lucrări prezentate la conferinţe nationale:

1. Faragalla, W.A., Al 6-lea Congres al Profesiei de Auditor Financiar din Romania, Profesia de auditor la feminin – repere privind antreprenoriatul de gen în România
2. Faragalla, W.A. ICMEA 2018, Alba Iulia, Romania 9-10 November- Gendered issues in the accounting profession and related solutions
3. Faragalla, W.A., 10-a Ediţie a Conferinţei Internaţionale: Accounting and Management Information Systems- AMIS, București, organizat de ASE, 10-11 iunie 2015, în cadrul secțiunii de pitching a profesorului Robert Faff, Stereotypes regarding accounting profession: an empirical study.
4 Faragalla, W.A., Communicating Gender conference, FSPAC, UBB martie 2020, Glass ceiling in the Romanina Accounting organisations, acceptat pentru sustinere

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