Cluj Economics and Business Seminar Series (CEBSS) - Ediția de toamnă- Invitat: David MAMMANO
Gabriela Maria Brendea
21 Noiembrie 2024, 14:00
În data de 21 noiembrie 2024, de la ora 14:00, David Mammano, de la Universitatea din Rochester, va susține o prezentare în cadrul ediției de toamnă a Cluj Economics and Business Seminar Series (CEBSS).
Titlul prezentării: Empowering Educators to Foster the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs
Abstract: Entrepreneurship is no longer just a career choice—it is a vital skill set for navigating the complexities of the modern world. Educators play a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of entrepreneurs, providing the foundation for students to innovate, take risks, and solve real-world problems. Empowering Educators to Foster the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs is a presentation that equips educators with the tools, strategies, and frameworks necessary to cultivate entrepreneurial thinking within the classroom.
The presentation delves into the key pillars of entrepreneurial education: creativity, adaptability, resilience, and leadership. It provides practical methods for integrating entrepreneurial concepts into a variety of disciplines, helping students develop a mindset that embraces challenges and fosters innovation. Educators will learn how to create learning environments that encourage experimentation, collaboration, and problem-solving, as well as how to implement project-based learning that mimics real-world entrepreneurial experiences.
Attendees will also explore how to help students develop essential entrepreneurial skills, such as financial literacy, strategic planning, and networking, while building the confidence to take calculated risks. By highlighting case studies and success stories, the presentation offers concrete examples of how educators can inspire the entrepreneurial spirit in students from diverse backgrounds.
Ultimately, this presentation empowers educators to become catalysts for change, equipping them with the knowledge to nurture the next generation of leaders, innovators, and change-makers capable of driving economic and social progress.
Evenimentul se va desfășura în format hibrid online (în sala 118, respectiv prin platforma Zoom).
CEBSS, inițiat și coordonat de către prof.univ.dr. Cristian Litan din anul 2012, reprezintă un forum pentru dezbaterea și difuzarea rezultatelor cercetărilor științifice. Seria de seminare contribuie în mod semnificativ și distinctiv la creșterea valorii adăugate științifice, având un impact relevant asupra cunoștințelor, educației și practicilor din domeniul economiei și al afacerilor.
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