MoodleWhy Moodle? FSEGA fosters an engaging and collaborative learning environment through the use of Moodle, an innovative and user-friendly platform that enhances the educational experience for our students.
How to access FSEGA Moodle The Moodle FSEGA platform can be accessed using the following link:
FSEGA Moodle access credentials ✓ User name: the same used for accessing the Academic Info platform ✓ Password: the initial password consists of the last six digits of the CNP or of the passport number followed by the initial of the surname and the initial of the first surname (for example, Popescu Ion-Mihai with CNP 179102926123456 will have the initial password 123456PI); after the first authentication the password must be changed, and the new password must include at least 8 characters (lowercase letters and numbers).
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