
Subjects list and syllabuses

List of subjects and their syllabuses for Bachelor programs in English

Accounting and Management Information Systems - 2023-2024 academic year Finance and Banking - 2023-2024 academic year International Business and Economics - 2023-2024 academic year Management - 2023-2024 academic year

List of subjects and their syllabuses for Bachelor programs in German

Unternehmensführung - 2023-2024 academic year

List of subjects and their syllabuses for Bachelor programs in French

Comptabilité et Informatique de Gestion - 2023-2024 academic year

List of subjects and their syllabuses for Master programs in English

Accounting and Organizations - 2023-2024 academic year Business Modeling and Distributed Computing - 2023-2024 academic year Entrepreneurship and Business Administration - 2023-2024 academic year International Business Management - 2023-2024 academic year

List of subjects and their syllabuses for Master programs in German

Internationales Management - 2023-2024 academic year
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