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Gabriela Bodea,, Clash-ul crizelor sau viclenia lumii asimetrice (Ediția a doua), Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023
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Participă și tu la NIBS International Business Simulation Competition 2023!

Autor: Levente SzÁsz

Publicat: 18 Septembrie 2023

This fall, EcoSim and the Network of International Business Schools (NIBS), in partnership with the Budapest Business School, organizes for the second time the NIBS International Business Simulation Competition.

Check-In to Success: rise to the top as a SnowHotel manager!

The competition offers you a business simulation challenge, a chance to compete in international environment with a virtual alpine hotel with ski resort. The aim of the simulation is to reach the highest performance index (created by profit, market share, customer and employee satisfaction)!
The winner teams of each market (there will be 4-7 teams / market) qualify for the online semi-finals, where they face a more challenging simulation setup. At the last stage, only the 10 best teams participate and compete for the prizes in the final.

Sign Up!

University students at bachelor or master level can form teams of 2-4 members and join the competition from all over the world. A business background might be an advantage, but players from any other backgrounds are welcome. Registration deadline: 17th of October 2023.

Registration fee for NIBS member school students (UBB-FSEGA is member): 90 EUR/team
Payment of the entry fee must be done by the payment deadline: 20th October 2023.

Further information can be found here:

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