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GreenLeap Hackaton!

Autor: Gabriela Maria Brendea

Publicat: 12 Febuarie 2025

ADR-NV în colaborare cu Universitatea Babeș Bolyai prin UBB TechTransfer organizează în perioada 5-6 martie GreenLeap Hackaton!

Indiferent dacă ai o echipă sau ești pe cont propriu ai 8 provocări green care așteaptă să fie rezolvate și anume:

✓ Manufacturing businesses lack tools to assess climate risks and create strategies for resilience. How would you solve this?
✓ Many underserved communities lack access to affordable, secure energy. How would you solve this?
✓ Businesses often have surplus material that go to waste, especially in high-waste industries. How would you solve this?
✓ People waste a lot of energy at home without realizing it. How would you solve this?
✓ Traffic congestion and emissions are major problems in Cluj-Napoca. How would you solve this?
✓ Local farmers struggle to connect with consumers and other stakeholders in promoting sustainable agriculture. How would you solve this?
✓ Communities often lack tools to engage in local biodiversity conservation. How would you solve this?
✓ Urban area face pollution from multiple sources, including waste, traffic, and industrial processes. How would you solve this?

Locație : ADR Nord-Vest, str. Donath 53A

Perioadă : 5-6 martie, 15:00 - 19:00

Înscrieri: click pe acest link

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