Lect.univ.dr. Lăcrămioara RADOMIR
Strada Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60
Campus FSEGA
400591, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel: +40 264 418 652/3/4/5
Fax: +40 264 412 570
Int: 5885 Birou: 124
Google scholar:
Radomir, L., Plăiaș, I. & Nistor, C.V., Corporate reputation, image and identity: Conceptual approaches, The Proceedings of the International Conference „Marketing – from information to decision, 7th Edition”, 2014.
Radomir, L., & Nistor, C. V., Comparing the original and the revised SSTQUAL scale among high-educated consumers in Romania, Procedia Economics and Finance Emerging Market Queries in Finance and Business - International Conference Emerging Markets Queries in Finance and Business, 2013.
Radomir L., & Nistor, C. V., An application of technology acceptance model to Internet Banking services, The Proceedings of the International Conference „Marketing – from information to decision, 6th Edition”, 2013.
Radomir, L., & Nistor, C. V., High-educated consumer perceptions of service quality: an assessment of the SSTQUAL scale in the Romanian banking industry, Emerging Market Queries in Finance and Business, 2012.
Radomir, L., Plăiaş, I., & Nistor, C. V., A Review of the Service Quality Concept –Past, Present and Perspectives, The Proceedings of the International Conference „Marketing – from information to decision. 5th Edition”, 2012.
Gurău, C., & Radomir, L., Marketing strategies during economic crisis: a study of small food and garment retailers in Romania, The Proceedings of the 19th Annual conference: Marketing and Business Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe, Publisher Institute for Export Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2011.
Radomir, L., & Gurău, C., Bank customer segmentation using service quality attributes: investigating the retail customers of a top five Romanian bank, The Proceedings of the 19th Annual conference: Marketing and Business Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe, Publisher Institute for Export Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2011
Nistor, C. V., Wilson, A., Tămaş, A. S., & Radomir, L., The Romanian High-Educated Youth Market for Internet Banking: Investigating the Drivers of Adoption, The Proceedings of the International Conference „Marketing – from information to decision, 4th Edition”, Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2011.
Radomir, L., Wilson, A., & Scridon, M. A., Improving bank quality dimensions to increase customer satisfaction, Management & Marketing (Craiova), Vol. 9, No. 1, 2011.
Plăiaş, I., Pop, C. M., Scridon, M. A., & Radomir, L., Satisfaction with traditional distribution channels – the case of a Romanian banking institution, Journal of International Management Studies, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2010.
Nistor, C. V., Radomir, L., & Negrea, N. O., Traditional IPA - a useful tool for distribution channels' quality improvement. The case of a Romanian bank, The Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Business Excellence, Editura Infomarket Publishing, Brașov, 2010.
Pop, C. M., Radomir, L., Maniu, A. I., Zaharie, M. M., & Scridon, M. A., Strengthening bank market presence by monitoring clients' satisfaction with distribution channels, The Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Management Research 6th Edition, University of Osijek, Editor: Urban Bacher, Drazen Barkovic, 2010.
Radomir, L., Maniu, A. I., Scridon, M. A., & Zaharie, M. M., Customer satisfaction regarding bank’s distribution channels – the ATM network, The Proceedings of the Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Ştiinţe Economice, Vol. 1, 2010.
Radomir, L., Plăiaş, I., Nistor, C. V., & Scridon, M. A., Bank Personnel Quality Dimensions, The Proceedings of the International Conference „Marketing – from information to decision, 3rd Edition”, Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2010.
Pop, C. M., Radomir, L., Maniu, A. I., Zaharie, M. M., & Scridon, M. A., The impact of internet banking services on Romanian customers, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business , Vol. 4, Part 2, 2010, (ISSN 1313-2555, pp. 175-188).
Pop, C. M., Nistor, C. V., Scridon, M. A., & Radomir, L., The “PEOPLE” component of knowledge management: an important asset for a leading Romanian banking institution, Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2009.
Radomir, L., & Scridon, M. A., Knowledge Management in Banking Institutions, The Proceedings of the Globalization and Higher Education in Economics and Business Administration, Vol. 2, Editura Tehnoăres, Iaşi, 2009.
Radomir. L., Nistor, C. V., & Căta, S., The Importance of contact personnel in the banking sector, The Proceedings of the International Conference „Marketing – from information to decision. 1st Edition”, Editura Alma Mater, Cluj-Napoca, 2008.
Pop, C. M., Radomir, L., Maniu, A. I., & Zaharie, M. M., Neuromarketing - getting inside the customer's mind, The Proceedings of the Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Ştiinţe Economice, Vol. (Tom) 18, Nr. (Vol.) 4, 2009.
Radomir, L., Zaharie, M. M., Maniu, A. I., & Căta, S., Celebrities-the front cover of your favorite brands, The Proceedings of the International Conference: Politici sociale şi administraţie publică în context european, Eftimie Murgu, Analele Universităţii „EFTIMIE MURGU” Reşiţa, Fascicola II, Studii Economice, 2009.
Plăiaş, I., Băbuţ, R., Nistor, C. V., & Radomir, L., Consideraţii privind comportamentul de cumpărare al IMM-urilor din Romania , Marketing Management, Bucureşti, 2008.
Pop, C. M., & Radomir, L., Consideraţii asupra conceptului de Neuromarketing, Studii şi Cercetări Economice, Editura Alma Mater, Cluj-Napoca, 2008.
Pop, C. M., & Radomir, L., The employee orientation - premise for developing competitive advantage, Leadership and Organizational Culture, Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2008.
Pop, C. M., Rus, C. D., & Radomir, L., Brand Management and the Consequences of Adhering to the Communitary Brand, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, Abel, Editor: Annamaria Benyovski, Stefan Pete, 2008.
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POS DRU Centru Pilot integrat pentru iniţierea şi sprijinirea afacerilor, în scopul creşterii competitivităţii economiei româneşti în condiţiile aderării la Uniunea Europeană şi a dezvoltării durabile Pozitia: Membru echipă proiect Suma totala: 275000 LEI Perioada de desfasurare: 2010 - 2011
TIP A Evaluarea potenţialului şi a oportunităţilor de valorificare a resurselor în economia regiunilor montane Pozitia: Membru echipă proiect Finantator: CNCSIS Suma totala: 24333 USD Perioada de desfasurare: 2008