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Gabriela Bodea,, Clash-ul crizelor sau viclenia lumii asimetrice (Ediția a doua), Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023
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Prof.univ.dr.habil. Monica Aniela ZAHARIE
Strada Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60
Campus FSEGA
400591, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel: +40 264 418 652/3/4/5
Fax: +40 264 412 570
Int: 5847
Birou: 251
E-mail: monica.zaharie

Activitate profesionala Activitate didactica Activitate de cercetare
Data nasterii: 00-00--00-
Nationalitate: Romania
Experienta Profesionala: 2022-present Professor
Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
- PhD supervisor (HR, talent management, organizational behavior)
- Co-director of Confucius Institute from Babes-Bolyai University
- Coordinator of the Alumni Office
- Teaching: HRM, Business Psychology, Psychology of work, Emotional Intelligence, Labor Management, Career Management
- Research: active leadership and team member of several research projects on areas such as human resources management in a comparative context
- Organizing events for students: employer open days, career days, summer schools, workshops
- Member of CEEIRT international research group

- 2014-2022 Associate professor, Babeş-Bolyai University, Management department
- 2008-2014 Assistant professor, Babeş-Bolyai University, Management department

2004-2012 Quality assurance specialist
Centre for Quality Management, Babeș-Bolyai University
- I contributed to the strategic development of the unit in the following areas: design stakeholders’ satisfaction surveys (employers, teaching staff, and graduates); member of the group coordinating the students’ ratings of instructions
Educatie Formare: 2020
Habilitation in Management
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeş-Bolyai University

PhD in Management
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeş-Bolyai University

Master in Gender studies
Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Bachelor in Psychology
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Bachelor in Sociology
Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
Limba materna: Romanian
Limbi Straine: English
Aptitudini sociale: PUBLICATIONS (selection)
1.Lo Presti, A, De Rosa, A, Zaharie, A, 2022, The route to employability: a longitudinal study on a sample of Italian job seekers, International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 1-20
2.Zaharie, M., 2021, Challenges, trust and performance in virtual teams: examining the role of openness to experience and preference for virtual teams, Team Performance Management: An International Journal
3.Mostafa, A., Farley, S., Zaharie, M, 2020, Examining the Boundaries of Ethical Leadership: The Harmful Effect of Co-Worker Social Undermining on Disengagement and Employee Attitudes, Journal of Business Ethics
4.J Poór, et al., 2020, Multinationals and the evolving contours of their human management practices in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, Employee Relations: The International Journal
5.Zaharie, M., Poor, J, Osoian, C, Ratiu, P, 2019, International assignments, human capital resources, and MNC subsidiary performance in CEE countries, Multinational Business Review, vol: 28, iss: 1
6. Engle, A., Zaharie, M., Kerekes, K., Poor, J., 2019, Who is in Charge Here? Evidence of the Division of Roles and Responsibilities between Global and Local HR Managers in MNEs Operating in the CEE Region, Journal of East and West Studies
7. Zaharie, M., Seber, M., 2018, Are non-monetary rewards effective in attracting peer reviewers? A natural experiment, Scientometrics, 117(3): 1587–1609
8. Zaharie, M., Osoian, C., 2016, Peer Review Motivation frames: A Qualitative Approach, European Management Journal, 34(1), 69-79
9. Poor, J, Zaharie et al, 2016, Evaluation of ethical position in eight CEE countries and Finland – results of an empirical research, Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR)
10. Poor, J, Zaharie et al, 2015, Idealism and relativism in ethics: the results of empirical research in seven CEE countries and one N-European country, Journal of Eastern European Management, 20(4), 484-505

1. Dan, S., Ivana, D., Zaharie, M.A., Metz, D., Drăgan, M., 2021, Talent Management. Insights from the Information Technology and Communication Industry, Palgrave McMillan
2.Skuza,, A., Scullion, H., Zaharie, M (2021) Talent Management: Contemporary Issues in A. Wilkinson and T. Dundon (ed) Contemporary Human Resource Management. London: Sage Publications.
3. Scullion, H., Mulholland, M., Zaharie, M (2020) Global Talent Management in J.Osland (ed) Handbook of Cross Cultural Management. London: Sage Publications.

Other publications
12. Osoian, C., Zaharie M., 2014,Recruitment for competencies in public and private sectors, Transylvanian review of administrative sciences, 41E , p. 129-145
13. Tudor, Zaharie, Osoian, 2014, Innovation development needs in manuf. companies, Procedia Technol.12,505-510
14. Deaconu, Osoian, Zaharie, Achim, 2014, Competencies in higher education system: an empirical analysis of employers' perceptions, Amfiteatru Economic Journal 16 (37), 857-873
15. Zaharie M., Osoian C., Job Recruitment And Selection Practices In Small And Medium Organisations, Studia Oeconomica, 2013, 58, P. 86-94
13. Osoian, C., Zaharie, M., Lazar I, Does ownership matter? Employee selection practices in private and public sectors, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 2011, 33E, p. 218-232
14. Zaharie M, Osoian C, Opre A, Graduate Recruitment and Selection – A Linkage Between Labor Market and Higher Education, Internat. Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 2011, 1(3) p. 229-234
15. Zaharie, M., Osoian, C., Opre, A., 2011, Graduate Recruitment and Selection – A Linkage Between Labor Market and Higher Education, International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 1, no. 3.
16. Osoian, C, Zaharie, M, Lazar, I, 2011, Does ownership matter? employee selection practices in private and public sectors, Journal Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 33E, 218-232.
15. Zaharie, M., Osoian, C., Opre, O., 2011, Developing, Screening or Signalling Human Capital? Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance, Editor Charles Despres, SKEMA Business School, Sophia-Antipolis, France.
16. Zaharie, M., Osoian, C., Ciumas, C., Opre, A., 2011, Employers’ hiring behaviors in a developing country – input for enhancing the quality of higher education, 2nd International Conference on Education and Management Technology, IPCSIT vol. 13, IACSIT Press, Singapore, p. 270-274.
17. Zaharie, M., Osoian, C., Opre, A., 2011, Can we rely on education? an approach on graduates’ employment for improving university quality, Proceedings of EDULEARN11, International Association of Technology, Education and Development, Barcelona, Spain, p. 6801-6811.
18. Opre, A., Opre, D., Zaharie, M., 2011, Personality traits, reflexivity and emotional control in university teaching, Proceedings of EDULEARN11, International Association of Technology, Education and Development, Barcelona, Spain, p. 4830-4835.
19. Osoian, C., Zaharie, M. 2011, The dynamics of the labor market occupational structure and graduate jobs in a developing country, Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society, no 2, Risoprint, pp.204-210.
20. Osoian, C., Zaharie, M., Miron, A., 2011, Career management tools: curriculum vitae design, Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society, no 2, Risoprint, pp 210-214.
21. Osoian C., Zaharie, M., Nistor, R., 2010, Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the Employers’ View upon Quality of Education, Proceedings 9th European Conf on Research Methodology for Business and Manag. Studies, IE Business School, p. 409-415.
22. Osoian, C., Zaharie, M., 2009, The value of the credentials and educational quality on the labor market, Proceedings 22nd CHER Annual Conference at Serralves Foundation.
23. Osoian, C., Zaharie, M., 2009 – Organizational changes in human resource management in a developing country, Proceedings of 6th International Conference Management of Technological Changes, Democritus University of Thrace.
24. Osoian C., Zaharie M., Marcus A., 2009, Student Satisfaction as a Quality Management Technicque in Higher Education, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, p. 388-392.
25. Osoian, C., Lazăr, I, Gavrea, C., Zaharie, M. şi (2008). Determinants of savings in transition economies. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 23E, 90-99.
26. Osoian, C., Lazăr, I, Zaharie, M, şi Gavrea, C. (2008). Diagnoza nevoilor de dezvoltare profesională a personalului din instituţiile publice, Revista Română de Ştiinţe Administrative, 21, 19-27.
27. Osoian, C., Zaharie, M., Stegerean, 2008, Overcoming barriers to employment for visual impaired persons in the Romanian labor market, Studia Universitatis Babes Bolyai – Oeconomica, issue 1, 34-44.
28. Opre A., Zaharie, M., Opre D., 2008, Faculty Development: Teaching Staff Needs, Knowledge And Priorities, in Cognition, Brain, Behavior, Vol. XII, No. 1, 491 – 506.

Other Books
1.Zaharie, M, 2014, Relatia dintre educatie si piata muncii - Repere pentru Calitatea IS, Ed. Risoprint
2.Osoian, C., Zaharie, M., 2012, Ocuparea fortei de munca cu studii superioare - ghid orientare in cariera, Ed. Accent
3.Ciumas, C., Dominic, C., Dumitrascu, A., Filip, A., Ionita, A., Zaharie, M., 2011, Convergența pregătirii universitare cu viața activă (Ghid de bune practici), Casa Cărții de Știință, Cluj Napoca.
4.Osoian, C., Zaharie, M., 2008, Managementul Muncii, editura Risoprint, Cluj Napoca
5.Poor, J, Zaharie et al, 2017, Emberi eroforras menedzsment kulfoldi tulajdonu cegekk helyi leanyvallalatainal Kozep es Kelet Europaban, ed. University of Pecs
6.Petrescu, Zaharie et al, 2015, Contribuții la conturarea unui model romanesc de management, Ed. Expert
7.Maxim, E (coord), 2013, Roman, T, Jijie, T, Sasu, C, Ilies, L, Zaharie, M, Miron D, Ianole, R, Purcarea, I, Dinescu, R, Studiu privind cerintele stakeholderilor, Ed. Sedcom Libris, Iasi
8.Gherghin, Szabo, Zaharie, Mărcuş, 2009, Ghidul competivităţii şi calităţii, Presa Universitară Clujeană
Aptitudini organizatorice: PROJECTS
Partner leader and team member in the following national and international projects:
2019-2020 BUT InterAcademic Partnership - Partner Leader, Białystok University of Technology, Poland
2018-2019 Leadership for mid level managers - Partner Leader, Erasmus
2016-2017 Impact of the external motivating factors on the review behaviour, Principal Investigator, Babeș- Bolyai University, 3182/4/2016
2019-2022 Researcher, future entrepreneur – new generation, Lecturer on entrepreneurship for PhD students, POCU 123793
2019-2022 Entrepreneur UBB, POCU 124662 - Coordinator of Entrepreneurship counselling for students
2016 - 2018 PEERE New frontiers of peer review, COST Action, Member of the National Committee
2014 - 2015 Career development through counselling and training of the highly skilled labor force– Training Manager, Babeș-Bolyai University. Financed by AM (POSDRU/132/5.1/G/135285)
2010 - 2012 Window towards employment of graduate labor force – Project Manager, Babeș-Bolyai University, POSDRU/104/5.1/G/78225
2009 - 2011 University Teaching Expertise: Paradigmatic and Conceptual Changes – Member of the research team, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Babeș-Bolyai University, CNCSIS IDEI
2013-2014 ADAPtation of trainings based up on the Finnish Workplace Development Programme (TYKES), Leonardo da Vinci Innovation Transfer Project - 2012-1-HU1-LEO05-05847 (project member)
2015-2018 TRaining for Unique Skills and Techniques for Mentoring, 2015-1-HU01-KA202-013535
2015-2017 Training on Corporate Innovation Management System for Competitiveness, Erasmus+ (member)
2009- 2011 Quality assurance of university education through training of the human resources and orientation towards labor market – Project Manager, Babeș-Bolyai University, POSDRU/18/1.2/G/5593
2008 – 2011 Convergence of University Education with Active Live - Member of the management team, Babeș-Bolyai University, financed by AM (POSDRU/7/2.1/S/1)
2006-2008 Quality Assurance of Teaching in Romanian Universities - Member of the research team, with responsibilities in the design and implementation of the methodology of the research and data analysis. Financed by CNCSIS
2005-2007 Competitiveness and performance in university teaching – Member of the research team, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, BBU. Financed by BBU
2005-2008 Systems of Collaborative Assisted Decisions in Academic Environment - Member of the research team, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, BBU. Financed by BBU
Aptitudini tehnice: CONFERENCE presentations
2019 Expatriate staffing, organisations characteristics and MNC subsidiary performance, EURAM, Lisbon, Portugal
2019 Expired workers: employment barriers of the elderly unemployed, EAWOP, Torino, Italy
2018 Expatriation in CEE countries, IHRM Conference, Madrid, Spain
2018 HRM and learning organisations: a comparison between public and private sectors in a post-communist country, 15th Workshop on Research Advances in OB and HRM, Paris, France
2018 Do distances matter? Expatriate and inpatriate in CEE countries, JWB workshop, University of Essex, UK
2017 An integrative approach on unemployment and wellbeing, British Academy of Management Conference, Warwick Business School, UK
2012 Stakeholders’ perspectives on higher education quality: divergent expectations or partnership for development?, International Conference Knowledge Globalization, Suffolk University, Boston, USA.
2012 Entrepreneurship, family firms and economic development, Cracow, Poland
2011 Invited key speaker at the conference Enhancing human resource development through excellence in education, Christ University, Bangalore, India (videoconference system presentation)
2011 Employers’ hiring behaviours in a developing country – input for enhancing the quality of higher education, 2nd International Conference on Education and Management Tech., Shanghai, China
2011 Can we rely on education? an approach on graduates’ employment for improving university quality, EDULEARN11 Conference, Barcelona, Spain (also chair for the conference session)
2010 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the Employers’ View upon Quality of Education, 9th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, Madrid, Spain (also chair for the conference session)
2009 Integrating the student feedback in the faculty quality management, Fourth European Quality Assurance Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark
2009 The value of the credentials and educational quality on the labor market, 22nd CHER Annual Conference at Serralves Foundation, Porto, Portugal
2009 Organizational changes in human resource management in a developing country, at 6th International Conference Management Of Technological Changes, Greece.
2008 Aiming university excellence through teaching skills development to the 21th CHER Conference - Excellence and diversity in Higher Education, Pavia, Italy
2008 Quality assurance through student satisfaction surveys and orientation towards labour market, International Conference Quality Assurance in Youth Career Consultancy, Sofia, Bulgaria
Aptitudini calculator: SPSS, Amos, Stata, Smart PLS
Aptitudini artistice: Professional certificates
Certificate of Vocational counsellor, issued by Consult Plus SRL
Certificate of Entrepreneurial skills, issued by SNSPA
Certificate of Human Resource Inspector, issued by Performed S.R.L.
Certificate of Human Resource Manager, issued by IC Consulting
Certificate of Quality Specialist, issued by TQA
Certificate of Train the Trainers, issued by Codecs
Certificate of Project Manager, issued by OK Service Corporation
Certificate of Quality Assurance Auditor, issued by S.C. Floyd S.R.L.
Alte competente: Distinctions
▪ 2021 - Excellentia award, Students Council, BBU
▪ 2016 –Excellence in Teaching Award, FSEGA, Babes-Bolyai University
▪ 2015 –Excellence in Scientific Research Award, FSEGA, Babes-Bolyai University
▪ 2012 – Junior Professorship Award, granted by the national Association of Economists in Romania
▪ 2011 – Excellent Paper Award, at the 2nd International Conference on Education and Management Technology, Shanghai, China
▪ 2007 – Excellent Concept Paper, at the 13th CEI International Summer School of Cervia, Bologna University, Cervia , Italy (The Best Essay Award, 2nd Place)
▪ 2010, 2011 – Management performance in technical administration Award, Babes-Bolyai University
▪ 2009 – Management performance in technical administration Award, Babes-Bolyai University
▪ 2008 - Performance in technical administration Award, Babes-Bolyai University
▪ 2005 - Third Prize at the Psychological Student Conference, Cluj Napoca
▪ 2004 - Ion Aluaş Award, Faculty of Sociology And Social Work, Babes-Bolyai University

2010 Open Educational Resources Symposium, London, UK
2012 Accreditation Council of Business Schools and Programs, New London, USA
Permis Conducere: Categoria B
Informatii suplimentare: Visiting scholar and scholarships
2019 – Visiting scholar, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
2019 – Visiting scholar, Erasmus, Ambedakar University, Delhi, India
2019 - Visiting scholar, CEEPUS Varna University of Economics, Bulgaria
2018 – Visiting scholar, Erasmus, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
2017 – Visiting scholar, Erasmus, University of Hull, UK
2017 – International week, John Moores University, Liverpool, UK
2016 – Visiting scholar, Erasmus, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle, The Netherlands
2012 – Visiting scholar, Plymouth State University, USA
2012 - Visiting scholar, CEEPUS University of Economics in Katovice, Poland
2007-2009 - PhD research scholarship, CNCSIS (BD)
2007 - Grundtvig individual scholarship - European Project Planning (Florence, Italy)
2007 – Scholarship for 13th CEI International Summer School of Cervia, Bologna University (Cervia, Italy)
2006 - Scholarship for participating at the National Workshop „Project management” (InWent)
2006 – Scholarship for participating to the GSK Business Summer School (Brasov)

Summer schools
2010 - 3rd International Bamberg Summer School in Empirical Education Research, Bamberg, Germany
2010 - Participation to the workshop Open Educational Resources International Showcase, London, UK

Ultima actualizare: 2023-10-06  

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