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Gabriela Bodea,, Clash-ul crizelor sau viclenia lumii asimetrice (Ediția a doua), Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023
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Pitic, D. & Irimias, T. (2023) International Journal of Management Education [Domenii conexe, Q1; Core Economics, Q2]

Autor: Cristina Alexandrina Stefanescu

Publicat: 17 Iulie 2024

Pitic, D. & Irimias, T. (2023) Enhancing students’ engagement through a business simulation game: A qualitative study within a higher education management course. International Journal of Management Education, 21(3), 100839.


✓ Publisher: Elsevier
✓ Categories: Education & Educational Research; Business; Management
✓ Article Influence Score (AIS): 0.739 (2023) / Q1 in Education & Educational Research; Q2 in Business; Management

Abstract: In this article, we investigate, through a qualitative feedback session organised in form of focus groups, if and how a business simulation game (BSG) can enhance students’ engagement. Thus, to meet the aim of our study, we asked the participants (19 months after the game play) to describe their perceptions regarding the played BSG covering following topics: bonding opportunities, group dynamic, bridging theory and practice, skills development and motivation. Our study contributes to the frail research thread dealing with qualitative evaluation of students’ engage- ment, as a meta-construct of behavioural, emotional, cognitive and agentic dimensions. Our results show that the implementation of a BSG enhances students’ engagement within the teaching-learning-assessment process and supports skills development through experiencing theoretical concepts in practice. Furthermore, the use of BSGs in early semesters seems to ease the communication and cohesion among students. Overall, our research encourages higher education instructors to develop and/or implement BSGs within management and business subjects, mainly because their benefits outweigh possible drawbacks, and lead to the improvement of the students’ academic experience.

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