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Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Keynote Speakers

Satyendra Singh

Dr. Satyendra SINGH

The Role of Market Orientation and Outsourcing in Developing Market-Oriented Products and Services

Dr. Satyendra SINGH is Professor of Marketing and International Business in the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Winnipeg, Canada, and Editor in Chief of International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, UK. Dr. Singh's interests lie in emerging markets with particular emphasis on Africa and Asia on issues relating to the impact of transitional governments' economic policies on business performance. He has been teaching, consulting, and conducting training in Cambodia, Canada, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Kenya, and UK, among others. Dr. Singh is a frequent keynote speaker in the areas of marketing and international business in the context of developing countries and emerging markets. He is also President of the Academy of Business and Emerging Markets (, Canada. Dr. Singh has published in reputed international journals such as Thunderbird International Business Review, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Services Industries Journal, Marketing Management Journal, Journal of Global Marketing, Management Decision, among others, and presented papers at international conferences such as Academy of International Business, American Marketing Association, Academy of Marketing Science, British Academy of Management, European Marketing Academy, World Marketing Congress, among others. He is the author of Market Orientation, Corporate Culture and Business Performance (Ashgate, UK), and Business Practices in Emerging and Re-emerging Markets (Palgrave, USA). He also edited the book entitled Handbook of Business Practices and Growth in Emerging Markets (World Scientific, Singapore).

Calin Gurau

Dr. Călin GURĂU

Marketing in the Sharing Economy: Myths and Realities

Dr. Călin GURĂU is Professor of Marketing at Montpellier Business School, France. His present research interests are focused on Marketing Strategies for High-Technology Firms, Internet, and Sustainable Development. He has published more than 70 papers in internationally refereed journals, such as Nature Biotechnology, Industrial Marketing Management, Small Business Economics, Group and Organization Management, Information Sciences. He is a Marie Curie Research Fellow of Princeton University and works actively to investigate immigrant entrepreneurship.

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