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Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Online submission

Authors can submit full papers or extended abstracts. Both full papers and extended abstracts are firstly examined by the conference tracks' editors. If appropriate, extended abstracts receive a short list of improvement suggestions, while full papers go through a double-blind peer review process. Full papers which get a positive response after the double-blind peer review process and which are presented during the conference will be published in the 9th volume of the "Marketing - from information to decision" Conference Proceedings (ISSN-L: 2067-0338; Publisher: Risoprint).

Submissions to the International Conference "Marketing - from Information to Decision" must be made using Easy Chair, the online conference management system. Registration and access is available at Full papers, as well as extended abstracts, should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. An author can submit up to two papers and/or extended abstracts for the same edition of the conference: one as main author and one as co-author (or both as co-author).

Manuscript requirements

Write your text in good English (American or British, but not a mixture of them), in compliance with the ethics and malpractice statement, and prepare your manuscript (full paper or extended abstract) before submission, considering the following guidelines:

Type Full paper Extended abstract
Length Between 3000 and 6000 words, excluding references and appendices. Longer manuscripts are welcome in the case of high interest subjects. Between 500 and 600 words. Longer manuscripts are welcome in the case of high interest subjects.
  • Title and authors details
  • Abstract (mandatory)
  • Keywords and JEL Classification (mandatory)
  • Introduction (mandatory)
  • Literature review/Theoretical background (mandatory)
  • Results/ Findings (mandatory)
  • Conclusions (mandatory)
  • Research limitations and future research (if applicable)
  • References (mandatory)
  • Acknowledgment (if necessary)
  • Author description (mandatory)
  • Appendix (if necessary)
  • Title and authors details
  • Keywords and JEL Classification (mandatory)
  • Purpose (mandatory)
  • Design/Methodology/Approach (mandatory)
  • Originality/value (mandatory)
  • Findings/Results (mandatory)
  • Study/Research limitations (mandatory)
  • Academic implications (mandatory)
  • Practical/managerial implications (if applicable)
  • Acknowledgment (if necessary)
Template Use this template (it includes detailed information regarding manuscript requirements) Use this template (it includes detailed information regarding manuscript requirements)
References and citations Use the Harvard System. All references mentioned in the reference list are cited in the text (and vice versa). References should be avoided, but if essential, they must be cited in full, without relating to any reference list.

Submission preparation checklist

During the final checking of a full paper or extended abstract (prior to submitting it), authors may find useful the following submission checklist:

  • there is one author designated as corresponding author;
  • there is an e-mail address and an affiliation provided;
  • the manuscript has been "spell-checked" and "grammar-checked";
  • the manuscript follows the structure requirements;
  • the full paper adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements;
  • the full paper complies with the ethics and malpractice statement;
  • the full paper / extended abstract file is in Microsoft Word format.

Copyright statement

When submitting a full paper to the conference, authors must acknowledge and consent to the following statement regarding copyright:

  • The authors of full papers which are published in the conference proceedings consent to the Publisher and to the Babeş-Bolyai University distributing and placing their published papers in online international databases and benefiting from this.

  • Consequently, the authors have to require the permission of the Publisher or the Babeş-Bolyai University in order to resale or distribute their published papers outside their institutions and in case of some derivative works (e.g.: compilations, translations).

  • However, the authors (or their employers/ institutions) retain certain rights such as:

    • to include the entire paper or parts of it in a PhD thesis or a dissertation, or to prepare other future papers that extend the published paper into a book or that re-use parts of it (with acknowledgement of its original publication in the conference proceedings);

    • to make copies of the paper (from any support) for their personal use (including for their classroom teaching);

    • to distribute copies of the paper (including by e-mail) to research colleagues that will use it for scholarly purposes;

    • patent rights, trademark rights and rights for all the processes or procedures presented in the paper;

    • if the paper is a work created by employees as a part of their jobs, authors' employers have the right to use the paper's content for intra-company purposes.

Privacy statement

All the names and e-mail addresses provided for the conference will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this conference and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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