For details about the admission process: https://econ.ubbcluj.ro/admitere.
International students should also check the admission instructions for foreign candidates:
Suggestions for the preparation of the admission essay/project proposal:
if you graduated an I.T.-related bachelor program you may use your bachelor thesis as a starting point;
think about what you would add (in terms of components and technologies) if you’d continue working on that project for
another 1-2 years, potentially with the purpose of building the master dissertation based on it;
if not, make a proposal related to your technological interest (e.g. cloud, mobile apps, process automation)
or methodological interest (e.g. business process modeling, data analytics);
try to involve in your proposal ingredients that are related to the
master program curriculum and
argue why you picked those ingredients;
try to emphasize the potential beneficiaries and business benefits of your proposal;
try to bring forward any experience you already have with the ingredients/methods you mention in your proposal.