Business Modeling and Distributed Computing

The Business Analysis and Process Improvement skills will enable students to work for Business Process Outsourcing providers, in Advisory departments for consulting companies or in Process Automation projects. This track also aims to develop key B. A. skills that are not tool-specific, but rather cognitive – i.e. the ability to apply Abstraction, Process Thinking and Design Thinking on a concrete business situation.

The Smart Systems engineering skills will enable students to take on positions that employ Artificial Intelligence methods (machine learning, machine reasoning, natural language processing) or must manage distributed architectures (Cloud, Data Fabrics, Internet of Things etc.).

Additionally, Scientific Research competences will prepare students for the type of work that is expected in R&D projects dissemination or PhD programs. The best master dissertations have been promoted and published as research papers in prestigious international conferences (see some examples HERE).

Each year, selected students have received support for participating in the NEMO (Next-generation Enterprise Modeling) Summer School in Vienna, as well as in relevant international conferences – PoEM, ENASE, ICEIS, CAISE, IE, GECON.

Some students have published papers derived from their dissertation theses, showing that they are prepared to follow a PhD program in the field of Information Systems.

Professors from international universities (University of Vienna, WU Vienna, Cardiff University, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh) are occasionally invited to provide lectures in this master program, including curricular contents and didactic tools to enrich our curricular offer.

The Romanian professors also come with their own international experience in research projects and teaching at foreign universities (TU Eindhoven, University of Vienna, Cardiff University, Vrije University Amsterdam, Rotterdam School of Management, STFK UK, Coimbra University, University of Rostock, FHNW Switzerland).

Overall the students develop familiarity with state-of-the-art technologies and become familiar with English-language contents, presentation styles and research methods conforming international best practices, which supports them in further following studies abroad or in occupying positions where they have to interact with international stakeholders in an outsourcing or R&D context.

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