Business Modeling and Distributed Computing

1st Semester (30 credits)

  • Distributed Systems
  • Business Process Modeling
  • Research Methodologies and Academic Writing
  • Deep Learning

2nd Semester (30 credits)

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Intelligent Agents and Algorithmic Game Theory
  • Big Data and Web Computing
  • Knowledge Graphs for Semantic Data Enrichment

3rd Semester (30 credits)

  • Cloud and High Performance Computing
  • Internet of Things
  • Elective Course 1
  • Elective Course 2

4th Semester (30 credits)

  • Advanced Research Project in Informatics
  • Scientific Research for the Elaboration of Dissertation
  • The Preparation Stage of the Elaboration of Dissertation
  • Internship in Business Modeling

Elective Course 1

  • Design and Implementation of Enterprise Modeling Tools
  • Advanced Searching and Optimization Techniques

Elective Course 2

  • Social Media Analysis
  • Parallel Programming
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