
Student selection for Erasmus & SEE mobilities for the 2022-2023 academic year (bachelor, master and PhD students)

Published: 25 Martie 2022

UBB-FSEGA organizes, between March 25 - April 13, 2022, the selection process of students for Erasmus & SEE mobilities that will be carried out in the 2022-2023 academic year.

Eligibility to apply for the selection process:

✓ FSEGA students enrolled in Bachelor programs, 1st or 2nd year of studies
✓ FSEGA students enrolled in Master programs, 1st year of studies
PhD students enrolled at the Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration, 1st or 2nd year of studies

Note: Master and PhD students will be able to enter the competition this spring only for destinations with the mention "DA" in the table of partner universities (see below). Eligible Master and PhD students who do not apply for, or are not selected in the current competition, will have the opportunity to enter a new selection competition that will be organized in the fall of 2022, after the end of the admission process at the faculty level. In the fall 2022 competition, Master and PhD students will have the opportunity to choose from more destinations than the current ones, within the limit of places available at that time.

The calendar of the selection process is as follows:

March 25 - April 6: sending the applications by the students, in electronic format, via e-mail to (no later than April 6, 13:00);
April 1, 11:00: counseling session for potential candidates (participation will be via the Zoom platform, at this link);
April 8: communication of the selection interviews schedule (as an update to the current announcement);
April 11-12: selection interviews, online, via the Zoom platform, according to the communicated schedule;
April 12: communication of the results of the selection process (as an update to the current announcement);
April 13: sending the appeals by the students, if any, in electronic format, via e-mail to;
April 14: communication of the final results of the selection process, after appeals (as an update to the current announcement).

The applications, sent by e-mail to, will include the following documents:

Standard application form, filled in, dated and signed, in the form of a PDF document named Surname_Firstname_Fisa
Standard statement form, filled in, dated and signed, in the form of a PDF document named Surname_Firstname_Declaratie;
Curriculum Vitae, written in English or in the study program language, dated and signed, in the form of a PDF document named Surname_Firstname_CV;
Letter of motivation, written in English or in the study program language, dated and signed, in the form of a PDF document named Surname_Firstname_Scrisoare;
Certificate showing the average grades of the most recent exam session, scanned, in the form of a PDF document named Surname_Firstname_Adeverinta;
Certificate/attestation of language proficiency in the language in which you will study in the mobility, B1/B2 level, scanned, in the form of a PDF document named Surname_Firstname_Certificat.

Note: If the candidate is scheduled for a language proficiency test after the selection process, a self-declaration is required that the application will be updated, if selected. Candidates who do not have the opportunity to obtain a language certificate/attestation, if selected, will participate in an online language test, offered by the UBB International Cooperation Center, after the selection process, at which it will be necessary to obtain a minimum level of B1/B2.

The evaluation criteria of the applicants will be the following:

✓ application: 30%
✓ interview: 40%
✓ average grades for the most recent completed year of study: 30%

Selection committee:

✓ Lect. Liviu D. Deceanu (UBB-FSEGA Erasmus Departmental Coordinator)
✓ Ramona Fader (representative of UBB Center for International Cooperation)
✓ Prof. Mihaela Drăgan
✓ Prof. Levente Szász
✓ Assoc. prof. Ovidiu N. Bordean
✓ Assoc. prof. Ildikó Réka Cardos
✓ Assoc. prof. Octavian Jula
✓ Lect. Ioana S. Mihuț

The standard application form can be downloaded from:
✓ ERASMUS mobilities: Erasmus Student 2022-2023 Fisa tip.pdf
✓ SEE mobilities: Erasmus Student 2022-2023 Fisa tip SEE.pdf

The standard statement form can be downloaded from:
✓ ERASMUS mobilities: Erasmus Student 2022-2023 Declaratie tip.pdf
✓ SEE mobilities: Erasmus Student 2022-2023 Declaratie tip SEE.pdf

Important: Please fill in the correct forms (Erasmus / SEE), as no further corrections will be accepted.

The list of Erasmus mobilities for students available for the 2020-2021 academic year can be downloaded from: Erasmus Student 2022-2023 Mobilitati disponibile cu locuri.pdf

Selection interviews schedule: Erasmus Student 2022-2023 Programare interviuri.pdf

Results of the selection process: Erasmus Student 2022-2023 Rezultate.pdf

Final results of the selection process, after appeals: Erasmus Student 2022-2023 Rezultate finale.pdf


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